Chapter 12

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Melissa's POV

My pack and myself ran towards the Dark moon attacking those who dare get in our way, Dark moon warriors looking at myself confused as to what I was doing with the enemy. We only spared those who submitted to ourselves leaving them to join our pack or go rogue, it was down to them what they d0. As we near the pack house I see all the warriors ready to attack at any second, when they saw me more looks of confusion was written on they faces, quickly shifting back into human form I grabbing a t-shirt and shorts before putting them on.

"Dark moon meet the river side pack, as for today we will be your new pack, you can neither join peaceful or be taken down with your alpha"  i say making them know I mean business.

"You back stabbing bitch" this made Harry growl at James who was the beta of the pack, I hold my hand up to silence him, letting him know words mean nothing.

"You think Connor will let you win and take over his pack, our pack. We are stronger than you think, we will not let you take us down easily" this made me laugh I couldn't help but let myself laugh out loud at his words.

"Please I have seen all the you can do, I have weakened your alpha in the worst possible way, your skills are no match for us" just then I see Connor come out of the pack house. His face showing no signs of emotion, just a straight poker face.

"Warriors attack" was all he had said before the war broke out. Wolfs was fighting all over the place. Connor and myself come to a stand off in front of each other, I knew he was still weak from the wolfsbane in his system, I could see his pale skin and the blood on  his sides from where the whip had hit him.

"Why Mel just why" I could see hurt in his eyes, why would your own mate do this to you trust was, he had hurt me and caused me pain.

"You wanna know why I'll tell you why, I lost my family and you couldn't careless, you turned my friends against me, you would beat me daily call me names. What hurt the most is you made me loss everything just days after losing my family. I was your father betas daughter, I was meant to be taken care of by this pack. Our fathers was childhood friends, we was childhood friends but that didn't mean anything to did it" i could feel the tears in my eyes as i poured my heart out but I wouldn't let him see this. I had to stand strong, I had to finish this once and for all, I need closure and I was going to get today.

"So you think taking my pack and me down will make you feel better. You think all this will help" by now he was standing just a foot away from myself, I could feel the heat from his body with been so close.

"I think by doing this, I will have revenge of myself but most of all my father. He would be ashamed in you all, how his own people could turn on their own." I spit the words out as my blood was starting to boil, how the moon goddess paired me with this pathetic excuse of a person, I have know idea.

"Please Melissa we can stop this now and talk things over" I laughed out loud at his words begging me to stop this, what alpha begs someone to stop a war, I look around noticing River side had taking down many of dark moon, leaving those who submitted to them alive.

"Stop nothing your pack has been defeated, its just you and me now. I Melissa Jones reject you Connor knight has my mate" as I said the word I felt the pain of the bond been snapped in half, I had to hold myself together while Connor fell to the floor holding his chest has pain rocked through his body.

"Any last words" I said before I finished this once and for all.

"Go to hell"

"No your the one going to hell" with that I clear my mind and picture him on fire, within seconds I see his whole body set on fire and he begins to scream in pain and his body burns alive. I felt tears slip out my eyes but I quickly wiped them away, facing my pack and the dark moon pack I saw many was bowed down on they knees showing signs of respect for what I had just done.

Standing up tall and pound I ready myself to make a speech to both pack, Harry comes to stand by my side smile on his face to show how proud he is.

"Ladies and gentleman please be silent, I want to thank Harry and the river side for all your help if it wasn't for you I would of taken down this pack, as for dark moon I am now your new alpha you may stay or leave that is down to yourself. I promise you this though those who stay I will do my best by you all, I will make this pack better and we will become a family once again. So that what happened here today doesn't happen again, so please put your trust in me and have faith in myself and us as a pack"  I watch as dark moon one by one knee in front of myself in respect for they new alpha.

I was once the betas daughter but now I am the alpha of dark moon pack, I will make my father proud and show him I am strong, I am worthy of been the alpha female to my own pack. I just hope the moon goddess blesses me a second chance mate.

I'm the betas daughter  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang