Chapter 14

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Melissa's pov

I had no remorse for what I had done yesterday, Connor deserved it all after everything he put me through. He was the reason for my parents dying that day, he was meant to be on patrol yet he went sleeping around, giving the rogues a chance at getting into the territory. I found all this out by looking through patrol plans from that day which Connors name was on the list of people, I needed answers as to how they managed to get in our territory without the alpha knowing, then I remembered Connor was with Kelly one of the packs slut that day. If he had of Been on patrol that day I wouldn't of lost my family, I wouldn't of lost everything that I had lost.

Today me and Harry was going to make plans on how to join both packs together, now that we are mates which i am over the moon with by the way. Anyways back to what I was saying since we are mates both packs have to join as one pack, the only thing is Harry's land isn't big enough so we are looking to move his pack here. Even though Phil is against it right now, he still thinks it would be better to buy a bigger land and start new. Which I had to admit he had a point with my inheritance from my father plus the money Connor had to run the pack, also with money Harry's family had we could afford to buy a land and much more.

"Hey beautiful, what you doing?" Harry says walking in the office.

"Nothing much, just thinking" I say while he comes and hugs me from behind.


"What your father was saying, we should buy a bigger land and start over. Both packs deserve alphas that only want the best for them, they need to know we care and wanna protect them to the best of our abilities" I say while turning around and facing Harry.

"Always caring and thinking about everyone else, I think it's a great idea though my father sent over details of a land. It's in a secure area with its own beach and the view from the cliffs looks breathtaking" I was shocked that Harry and his father had already found a land, which to be fair sounded just like what we needed.

"Well then guess we have ourselves a new land, if your father thinks it's a great place and you like the idea of it then why wait" I say before pulling him in for a kiss, the kiss was like no other kiss I have ever had, I felt the butterfly in my stomach, the electric running through my whole body like I was floating on air.

"What the hell" Paul says interrupting myself and Harry moment.

"Hey Paul" I say, Paul is the beta of Harry's pack. He is a great guy and would do anything to protect his own, his like a brother to myself.

"What did I just walk in on"

"Well let's just say You are now looking at your Luna" I say as Harry wraps his arms around me from behind and rest his head in between my neck and shoulder blade.

"What, how" I could tell Paul was shocked from the look on his face.

"Well after you saw what happened yesterday, I went to visit my parents and brother grave officially this one had to follow me. When he was comforting me and wiped the tears from under my eyes, we both felt the sparks from the mate pull. We knew then that we was mates"

"Wow I didn't think it was possible to have a second chance mate and straight after losing your first" Paul was just as shocked as us but we wasn't bothered as to how it was possible. Although I had a feeling it had something to do myself and the powers I hold within me.

"We didn't think so to but hey here we are, anyways you two are going to the new land. There you will make sure it's ready to move straight into, also make sure that we have enough homes for all the families."

"Why do we get all the hard work" Paul says as he walks out the room leaving me and Harry"

"You gonna be ok on your own babe"

"I'll be fine plus i need to get everyone packed up and ready to move if we're going to buy this land" I could see Harry didn't want to leave he after everything but he knew that we had to buy the land and have the packs ready to move.

"Ok, I will see you very soon promise me if you need me that you will ring me"

"I promise" with that he kisses me one last time and makes his way to the new land to buy it and have it ready for us all. We had to think of a new name for the pack, as we was no longer going to be two packs. We was going to become one big pack and sooner rather than later.

After Harry left I had a pack meeting asking all pack members to start packing as we will be moving to a new land, Mandy was doing the same with the pack members that was left behind over there. I couldn't get over everything that has happened, it just all seem unreal. I was only a betas daughter in the eyes of everyone, yet I had managed to get revenge for everything Connor did to me. With the help of Harry I had managed to take Connor down and take over his pack.

Yes I weakened them first by having Connor whipped with wolfsbane, it was the only way I could take him down myself. I had lost so much but gained so much more, I lost my family and pack. Now I have a family and a new pack that loves me, I also have gained my very own pack as I have become alpha female since I killed they alpha male.

I was more than happy for everything that I have, I owe it all to Harry and his father, they the reason I am here today. I can't wait for a new beginning on a new land, both packs becoming one big pack. I am no Long the betas daughter, I am the alpha female of both packs and my father would be more than proud from what I have become.

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