"How unbelievable!" I grumbled in irritation and clenched both of my fists.

"What's wrong, Yuuki-san?" Kuroko asked me innocently with those big blue eyes on his face, making me realize that I still had him beside me.

"N—nothing! Nothing at all, ahaha."

"You scared me," Kuroko sighed and I could only fake a laugh.

We had arrived at Rakuzan. There were still a lot of students who had not gone home yet, mostly because of their club activities. I greeted everyone I knew and I didn't even have to worry about the questions referring to Kuroko since they hardly noticed his presence.

The more steps I took, the more nervous I became. The thought of meeting Akashi face to face after a long time gave me chills. I would just tell him straight that I have brought Kuroko with me. I hope I wouldn't mess up or else there wouldn't be another chance to find an excuse to talk to him.

"Oh, Akashi-kun."

I stopped in my tracks and froze myself there.

My motivation dropped to zero. The moment I heard Kuroko call his name felt like it was the end of me.

Because I should have been the one to call him first since the reason for me getting back here to Rakuzan was to help Kuroko meet Akashi. If Kuroko himself can easily find Akashi, then what is the point of me being here?

"Yuuki-san, I—"

That's it.
It's my cue to leave.
I've lost my chance to talk with him.
It's over.

I couldn't dare to turn back and meet his gaze so I chose to walk away as fast as I could. People stared at me in confusion as to why I walked down the hallway hurriedly. I bit my lower lip and kept on walking away, ignoring all the curious stares from people.


I stopped and unconsciously turned around to only find Kuroko running towards me.

"W—what? Weren't you and Akashi going to have a talk there? Why are you here?" I asked Kuroko who seemed to control his unstable breath.

"I haven't even met him yet—" he said, panting hard.

I frowned, "But I heard you call his name before so how could you.... wait, what?!"

"—I just got a call from him and he told me to meet at the indoor basketball court."

Kuroko's explanation sent my mind into a deep silence.

"So, you're telling me that I miscomprehended everything?" I asked him slowly and he nodded.

And there I knew I had already messed up. Shoot.

"S-s-sorry, I thought you had met him," I looked down and hid my embarrassment. "I-indoor court, huh? Okay, it's nearby."

My zero motivation started to boost up as I knew I still had a chance to talk with him. We headed to the indoor court and strolled along the path until suddenly an idea popped up in my head.

"Kuroko-kun, do you still have time after this?"

"Hmm, I think I do. Why?"

Impress Me, Empress ➳ Akashi Seijuurou (Kuroko no Basket)Where stories live. Discover now