Back at the hospital

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Maddie's POV-

I sit there still as the Dr. Cummings takes off the wrap around my stomach and up to my chest slowly Alex sitting there rubbing my hand softly as the bandages all come off.  

Alex has only ever left to go get cleaned up and food, other wise Alex is always by my side, Mrs. Abby comes everyday to check up on me. My parents and the other girls know I am here. After a week they told Kenzie and she has been here everyday right before dance. Tomorrow marks my 3 weeks of being stuck in this bed not able to do anything. 

The bandages just came off today so I hope that he will let me get up some and walk by myself with someone with me instead of being carried or in a wheel chair. I move slightly when the Dr finishes taking off the bandages. 

"Dr. do you think I can walk today?" I look at him bitting my lip and playing with my long freshly washed hair thanks to Mom for coming and helping with that. Dr. Cummings looks at me and smiles, "How about in an hour when your little sister gets here I will come help you get up off the bed and the nurse will walk with you and Kenzie. Or maybe it can just be you, kenzie and alex." I smile at the sound of that because Alex does know everything since the Dr. explained it to him. 

~Alex's POV~

I sit there watching Maddie get her bandages taken off I rub her hand softly as when they all are off she asks a question. "DO you think I can walk today?"

I pray that the doctor will say yes because she has been here for almost 3 weeks and doesn't wanna be in the bed anymore when I come out of my thoughts the doctor asks me if thats ok that I walk alone with maddie and kenzie when she gets here and I nod my head yes. 

After an hour Kenzie gets here and as Dr Cummings says he gets here right after Kenzie and helps maddie stand, i go and take his place as maddie starts to talk and walk to me and kenzie I smile as we walk around when Maddie starts to feel weak we head back to the room Maddie sits on the bed slowly and then kicks her legs up onto the bed Kenzie comes and sits on the bed giving maddie a kiss on the head before she goes to bed. I curl into maddie softly as she turns into me falling asleep.


I sit still with alex just softly rubbing my hand slowly. 

As he rubs my hand I smile watching him 

A few weeks ago when I woke up I heard and told him back that he loves me and I love him. 

I think to myself I wonder when he started to love me because deep inside of myself I think that I have always loved Alex. 

I come out of my thoughts when I see Kenzie bounce in. I smile seeing her smile at me. Right then I see Dr. Cummings come into my room to help me up. Very easily the dr helps me up and alex takes his place. We walk around for almost 45 minutes when I start to feel tired so I move into Alex as a sign as me and Kenzie have a small talk about what is happening. Once back in my room kenzie kisses me goodbye as she has to go to dance. I smile and Alex slides in next to me curling into me I silently turn slightly into him as I close my eyes and drift back off to sleep.

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