Waiting for Maddie

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~ Alex's Pov~ 

I sit still watching her sleep for a while, I play around on my phone while I move closer to her bed knowing she isn't awake I play with her hand rubbing circles on it slowly. 

"Maddie I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I love you." A tear silently drops off my face onto her hand when I hear a cough and jump slightly to see Mrs. Abby standing in the door-way.

I smile at her as she takes a seat next to me. "I always knew you had something for Maddie."

I roll my eyes, " I don't know anything of what you are talking about." I chuckle softly and she rolls her eyes, "Whatever you say lover boy."

~Maddie's POV~

I hear so many things, I hold my head the buzzing getting worse as everything goes black. 

I sit up and everything is white. Where am I? 

I move slightly when I hear Alex again, "Maddie stay with me please don't leave." 

I listen a little more and hear someone say "Dakota is dead we can't let this little girl die too!"

I see my little cousin April and she runs to me, "Maddie fight for me, this is not your time to die please." I nod my head at her and she goes away. 

I lay in my bed as I hear the doctors say I'm lucky to be alive right now and I bite my lip on the inside, they say they don't know when I wake up but I feel Alex next to me. 

Thats when I hear him speak after what seems like forever, "Maddie I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I love you." My heart flutters a bit as I feel a tear drop land on my hand. 

I try to move my hand against his, but he doesn't make anything till a cough from across the room comes and he jumps lightly. I hear and listen to Mrs. Abby and Alex talk for a little bit and I fall asleep.

~Alex's Pov~ 

I talk with Mrs Abby until the doctor comes back in.

"Hey Alex, can I talk to you in private?" I nod my head slowly and get up walking outside of the door with him. "Now Alex this might be hard to hear at the moment, but if Maddie's vitals don't get better with-in the next day we are going to have to take her off the breathing machine." I get all teared up as he walks away and I go in, I tell Mrs. Abby everything. She gets all teared up and says she must go. I nod my head.

-two hours later-

"Maddie, I am still here. Please fight Maddie. I need you here, you can't die, you just can't." I cry silently as i rest my head on her hand. 

After a few minutes i swear I feel Maddie's hand move, then it stops and goes again her lips are more apart around the breathing tube and I yell "Doctor!"

~Maddie's POV~

I start to wake up when Alex leaves my side for a few minutes, I can't make out what is being said but I know Abby isn't here anymore, I fall back to sleep only to be woken up by Alex's voice.

"Maddie I am still here, please fight Maddie. I need you here, you can't die! You just can't."

I feel him crying and shaking as his head goes into my head. 

I feel my lips moving but I can't talk. I slightly open my hand and move it slightly. 

I stop for a few minutes then I move it more that's when Alex yells "Doctor"

~Doc pov~

I hear Alex yelling from Maddie's room and I rush in to see him with tears down his face and he points, "Her hand it was moving!" 

I move over, "Do you know how long," I say quietly rushing over to her. 

"A few minutes maybe longer." He mumbles. I nod my head and move towards maddie and hold her hand.

"Maddie if you hear this squeeze my hand." She squeezes my hand lightly and I smile. 

"Very good Maddie, do you want the breathing tube out?" She squeezes my hand twice for yes and I smile and go get the supplies to take it out.

After a few minutes I get the tube out and she is asleep. I move to Alex, "Son she should fully wake up later tonight, you have my permission to stay here and I will tell everyone else not to kick you out when visitor hours are over." Alex smiles and rushes back to maddie.

~Maddie's POV~

I hold my breath as the doctor starts coming and asking me questions to answer by squeezing my hand on his, which I did.

I waited and then in a few minutes he came and took out the breathing tube. I smiles slightly when I heard the doc tell Alex I will be up soon.

With that I feel alex come over to me and watch me and hold onto my hand again.

He rubs my hand and I fall asleep.

~Three hours later~

I start to wake up softly and open my eyes very little and peer out .

I see a boy sleeping on me, and my heart starts beating faster the machines going off.

The boy hears and jumps up to get the doctors, by then my eyes are open more.

The blonde haired boy has his back to me as they check me out, as her turns around my blue eyes meet his hazel blue eyes and I light up. 

"Alex" I say so softly nobody hears but he smiles brightly looking at me.

The doctors and nurses leave to go get me some soft ice and Alex comes and sits on the bed next to me.

I look up at him and try to talk, i say "I love you too alex," but it comes out i wuv u poo awix.

I think he gets it because he hugs me.

i smile and move over and curl into him falling asleep.

~Alex's pov~

Maddie's monitors start going crazy and as the doctors take everything off and away but the iv i turn away to give them privatcy. 

After a few minutes I turn around and I swear I see her mumble my name 

I go talk to the doctor for a few minutes as they leave then go and sit on her bed.

She moves slightly curling into me and I hug her seeing her try to say that she loves me too.

My heart flutters wildly as she falls asleep curled up on me. 

I watch her for a while as the doctor sets down her water and ice I smile and then fall asleep myself. 

She's alive

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