reaching the hospital

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Alex's POV -
I'm sitting in the ambulance with Maddie heading to the hospital I feel the tears start to burn the corners of my eyes as a few slip down, I should tell Maddie i love her but I need to wait till she's awake I'll tell her when we get to the hospital and the doctors clear her.
I sit down as we pull in and the workers take Maddie in I sit in the waiting room because a nurse said to. I pull out my phone
Alex - hey Maddie is in the hospital
mrs. Abby - what do u mean?
Alex- the texts the threats it happened. Dakotas dead
Abby- should I tell the girls?
Alex- no don't wait, come here after dance, make it seem just as Maddie is sick and do not tell kenzie.
Abby- ok Alex thanks for letting me know
Alex- no problem I'll keep in contact
~end of texts ~
I sigh softly to myself
I get up and walk over to the nurse's station
"Hello, is there any news on Maddie Ziegler?"
The blonde chubby nurse looks at me and nods her head,
"I'll look" she disappears and comes back "yes there's news come with me to her room the doctor is there."
I nod my head slowly and follow right behind her into Maddie's room
Maddie's in the bed eyes shut hooked up to a bunch of machines
I hold my breath and shut my eyes
I walk over to the doctor who smiles
"She's a lucky one." I smile and nod my head "yes she is"
The doctors name says doctor cummings and I watch him softly my eyes soft and I sit in the chair next to her body.
He sits down in his chair
"Maddie has broke a few ribs, hit her head pretty hard so that's why she's not awake right now, and she had some internal bleeding but we got it all fixed up she can be up anytime from now till a few days." I smile softly at that it wasn't anything deadly.
He smiles back and nods his head "I'll be back in a while to check in" I smile and nod my head "ok thanks."

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