I'm back

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Alex's pov- 

I watch out the limo window as I head back home. 

I pull up to my house.

I look outside and smile. 

I move around and see Maddie with Dakota.

I frown slightly because I thought maddie and I always had a thing.

When I shut my door Maddie looks up and sees me.

Maddie jumps away from Dakota and comes running towards me and jumping on me.

I pick her up with ease, she feels lighter then last time I saw her 4 years ago, I wonder if she still has an eating disorder. Yeah maddie had an eating disorder and only I knew.

"Hey sugar." I smile into her neck

"Hey." I feel her smile into my neck

I whisper slightly "Have you been eating?"

I swear I feel her gulp but she shakes her head no.

Dakota comes over and coughs slightly.

Maddie slides down my chest.

"I missed you A."

I smile as she turns back around then I see Chloe come over. 

Chloe climbs out of the car and stands in front of me. "Hello stranger."

I roll my eyes , "Hey blondie."

Chloe twirls her hair. "So you still not over maddie huh alex." 

He shakes his head no, "Neither am i, but i can tell you dakota isn't a good guy."

with that chloe leaves me standing there confused.

Dakota's pov -

I stand there watching maddie and alex. 

I feel like theres something I should know about them but they never dated.

I get a text from Jenna, and I smile to myself. 

I wonder how maddie hasn't realized I have cheated on her many times and completely am using her. 

I laugh to myself and Maddie looks at me.

"What's funny?"

I blush lightly, "Nothing, i just laugh sometimes for no reason."

I look over at my house and see Jenna going in. "Hey mads I have to go home for a little bit I am not feeling the best. Is that ok?

She nods her head and goes into her house. 

Jenna's Pov - 

I see dakota with the girl he's using. 

I giggle to myself and head into his room, the problem is, I am using him

Alex's Pov - 

I watch them for a while when I see a girl that I know go into his house

As she turns the key i realize it's jenna.

I hold my tongue so I don't go over and tell maddie, but I have a bad feeling that this is going to get bad.

I grab my phone while watching Dakota go into his house and message Mrs. Abby to tell her that Dakota is cheating, and I saw him with Jenna.

Dakota's pov -

I hurry over to my house, I see Alex watching, I hope he didn't see Jenna.

I move my eyes back over to Maddie's house and see her in her room.

I go inside not wasting any time, I head up the stairs into my room.

~cheating sex scene~

As i walk in I find Jenna sitting on my bed in a nice thong and a lace bra.

I move over to her kissing her neck holding her close I move quickly throwing off my shirt while she takes off my  pants.

I smile to myself moving my boxers off and watching her thong get wet i teasinly take it off.

I pick up jenna against the wall shoving my dick up into her and she starts moaning extremely loud. 

I hope her moving my hips up and down. 

After we finish we both get dressed and she leaves.

~end of sex scene~

Mrs. Abby's Pov -

I get a text saying that alex is back in town followed right by more texts from alex.


Alex - (a picture of dakota and jenna fucking) 

Dakota is cheating on maddie

Abby - Oh my word. What are we going to do?

Alex - I don't know..

Abby - do you know about the threatening texts that maddie has been getting?

Alex - WHAT!!!! what do you mean threatening texts?

Abby - Alex calm down 

(sends pictures of the texts ) 

Alex - What if shes in danger? 

Abby - I know something doesn't feel right.

Alex - Nothing feels right and Jenna just left Dakota's house.

Abby - don't move just watch them carefully 

and keep an eye on maddie.

~end of texts~

I move around in my room

thinking about the weird things between maddie and the girls.

I then think of chloe, would she do something like this to maddie?

I hold myself steady. 

Just stay calm

Dance Moms ~Maddie~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن