Lot's of texting

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Maddie's Pov:

I look around my room making sure nobody can see in my window and my door is shut and locked so it's only me and Dakota in my room.

I move over and look at him as my phone starts to go off.

~Texts from Chloe~

Chlo-bird - Hey Mad's are you still with Dakota?

I'm going to dance early do you wanna meet up?

Mad-Dog - H3Y i'm with dakota yes.

I actually am going to dance now I need to talk to Mrs. Abby so after that we can talk if you want?

Chlo-Bird - What do you mean talk mads I want to hang out.

~end of texts from Chloe~

~texts from Mack Z~

Mack- Hey sis

Maddie lue- Hey love. Ready to go to dance?

Mack- Yes.

Maddie lue- Ok meet you downstairs.

~end of texts from Mack Z'

I sigh while leaning onto dakota.

~annonoymus texts~

Unknown- Maddie get your filthy hands off my boy

Don't you dare think about ignoring me.

You are not his! 

He is mine.


Stop ignoring me!

~end of texts~

"Ughhhh" I look over at dakota who picks me up and carries me downstairs and we get into the van going to dance.

~angel texts~

Creepy angel - Hey 

My love - Hi?

Creepy angel - Can we talk?

my love - Yeah sure what you wanna talk about?

Creepy Angel - I just wanna say sorry for telling everyone we had a thing and we didn't

my love- It's alright. i have to go i'm having a private with Mrs. Abby

~end of texts with angel~

~geno messages~

Geno- Maddie i'm sorry.

maddie- what do you mean?

Geno - you are going to get very hurt.

Maddie - what do you mean geno, you're crepping me out

Geno - I'll try to tell you more in a bit, be safe at dance maddie.

~end of texts~ 

I breathe deep and head into the dance studio to Mrs. abbys office. 

I look inside and she isn't there.

I bite my lip looking.

But I can't find her.

Soon Mrs. Abby comes walking in with lunch.

I sigh in relieve. 

"Hi Mrs. Abby."

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