Maddie? Are you ok?

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Alex's POV:

I'm sitting on my bed unsteady now not really for sure what I am going to do. I stair out my window when I see Dakota come out of his house his hair all messed up, I grab onto the bed so I don't go and beat the shit out of Dakota. 

I steady my breathing slowly as I watch Dakota go into Maddie's house as if nothing just happened with Jenna.


A- Hey mads

Mads<3 - Hey A

A- Are you ok?

Mads<3 - Yeah i'm fine, I'll message you later Dakota is here.

~end of texts~

I stair at my phone just praying that there is a way I can tell her what is happening. 

What about the threatening texts that she's getting I wanna ask her about that too.

Anonymous POV - 

Maddie's sitting on her bed, Dakota walks in and wraps his arms around her. 

Maddie smells something different, like a girly sense and she gets up reading the last message from the stalker.


unknown - hey girly dakota is coming back

maddie zieglar - how do you know that?

unknown- because I see him, but I must ask have you guys fucked?

maddie zieglar - No i'm a virgin why?

unknown - well do you know the towns girl player jenna was just at his house and they were fucking

maddie zieglar - I won't choose to believe this it isn't true

unknown - believe what you want but here's a picture proof

have fun maddie.

~picture is sent of dakota's back and jennas legs around him and the texts end~

maddie has a tear going down her face 

she stiffens her back and dakota know's that something is wrong.

Maddies pov -

Dakota is hugging me and i'm stiff as a rock after reading those texts that came in, I brush off a tear and lock my phone. 

He moves next to me, "Hey bb."

I look at him, "Hi dakota."

He moves softly, "Dakota? that's new no babe?"

I frown softly, "Dakota why did you go home?"

His face starts to turn red as a tomato. I can tell he is going to lie.

He mumbles scratching his neck, "I had to help my mom."

I watch him my eyes narrowing, "Why isn't your moms car at home then and wasn't when we were outside?"

He bites his inside cheek and watches me, "I don't know mads."

I slap him and show him the picture I was sent, "How long have you been cheating on me?"

His eyes widen and he trys to take my phone but I pull back. 

"Ma mads it was just a one time thing." I watch him stumble "Dakota it isn't because this is how you lie I know that face."

He looks at me, "fine.. almost 3 months." My mouth drops then closes i hold myself together as we have been dating 4 months. 

"Dakota you have to leave." He looks at me his eyes almost emotionless, "Maddie what about the texts, you don't want them to know do you?" I watch him slowly 

I mumble, "We aren't dating I am dumping you, but outside at dance we are still dating to everyone the only people that will know we aren't dating is Alex because he is my best friend and he will help us by helping us hang out and me not rip you to pieces now get the fuck out of my house dakota."

I watch his face drop and him get up and leave smiling as we have just had the best talk ever and we are still dating. 

I hold my breath until I see him across the street at his house, I start crying.


Mads<3 - ...

A- what's wrong

Mads<3 - Dakota cheated

A- I'm so sorry hun, did you guys break up?

Mads<3 - yes but we are still going to act like we are dating because.. I have been getting threatening texts and I am not going to let them win, but only you are to know that we aren't dating. 

A - Ok mads I understand. Do you wanna come over?

Mads<3- yea, i'll be over in 5. 

~end of texts~

A few minutes later I show up at Alex's house and he opens the doors with open arms. I crush myself into his arms moving closer my head in his chest
He pulls me inside after a few min and we go sit on the couch and he goes gets me my favorite ice cream that they always have and I take it greedly and shove a spoonful moaning slightly as the taste of the ice cream hits my tongue and Alex starts to laugh.
I move over and glare at him I get a spoonful of ice cream and smirk evily at him and jump on him putting I've cream on his nose then lick the rest off and he picks me up and jumps on the couch with my ice cream.
"So mads how r u" I smile and nudge him "I'm fine" he nods as I get another spoon of ice cream and eat it.

Geno- mads plz say ur alive
Don't go to dance today
There going to hurt u

Mads- what are u freaking out about nothing's going to happen that's bad

Geno- Maddie plz u can't get hurt

~end of texts with geno*~
~differwnt number~
Person -Hey Maddie
Don't ignore me
Stay away from Dakota he's mine
M.z - Lilly shut up
Person - who said I was Lilly mads
~end of texts~
I watch as Alex  as he reads everything and his face changes
"Mads if u go to dance I'll meet u there ok?"
I smile softly.
I get up and leave  getting ready for dance as normal Dakota comes and I get in the car instead of my mom driving me and Dakota he's driving us. Once we get on the road we are talking small talk then everything goes black.

"Maddie stay with us,
You gotta stay for me Maddie come on Hun"  I make the voice out to be alex as I go out again

Stranger pov-
I get in the car with Lilly Chloe and Jenna I'm getting paid $2000 to help.
I move fastly going to where they are directing and hit the drivers side hard and it rolls off bouncing and I spreed back to the home and they take the vehicle pay me and I rush off I go back to the scene to see what's happening.
I see the boy laying on the ground not breathing, and the girl uncouncious. A blonde boy comes running over yelling "maddie! Maddie stay with me,  Maddie don't leave me don't I need u"
I hear sirens in the distance and I move away from the crowd coming and disappear.

Ambulance driver and EMTs pov-
We get to the scene the boy is long dead
"He's dead we have to help her" says the bigger guy
I being the driver rush over to the boy with the little girl and hold him back so we can get to the girl "do you know her? What's her name? And age?" He looks at me speaking "yes I know her she's my best friend she's like a sister to me and I love her more then that, but she doesn't know. Her name is Madison Ziegler but she goes by Maddie and shes almost 16." I nod my head writing it all down then nod over at the boy "him?" The guy looks down "Dakota Davis 17 soon to be 18, and Maddie's ex boyfriend and I only know him as the fuck boy I'm sorry." I nod my head softly and Pat his shoulder seeing that he ran here from the house across the street.
"What's your name son?"  He looks at me softly and bits his lip "Alex, alex white" I smile and pat his back when there's yelling
"She's alive I need an oxygen mask and a gerny now!"
I see the boy Alex sigh in relief and I have my hand on his back. "Hey Alex would u like to ride with us?" Alex has his eyes widen and they sparkle slightly. " Yes, yes please." I smile and lead him to the ambulance as I get him in back after they load Maddie up. I watch him hold her hand about to cry mumbling for her to stay I slam the back door and speed off to the hospital.

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