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Chapter Song: Gangsta-Kehlani
Charlotte's POV

"Looks like they're checking credentials." Sara sighed as Snart, Mick, Stein, her, and I walked towards the building where Savage is suppose to be. "And we don't have any."

"We got this." Mick reassured. "Trust us."

Snart ran into some guy and grabbed the orange card out of his pocket. "Excuse you."

The man standing in front of the building spoke sternly to us. "IDs." Snart handed him his which cause the guy to give him a strange look. "You don't look like an Amhad Ahmed Izz-Al-Din."

"I'm Arab. On my mother's side."

"Is there a problem?" Stein question angrily as he got in the man's face. "I don't like delays. Do you know who we are? My associates and I are the operational arm of 'Scimitar'. The Lombardo Square bombing, 1963. Murder of Henri Tyran Canada, 1970. Konig Airport Massacre, 1971. Bottom line? You don't want to doubt me."

The man moved aside allowing us to pass. I tried my hardest to keep a straight face. I got to hand it to him, Stein is a pretty good actor.


We all gathered around the platform where they were selling weapons to criminals. However we were wrong about one thing. Savage isn't the buyer. He's the seller.

"This is a variable-yield nuclear warhead," Savage said as two men rolled a big bomb onto the stage. "Capable of producing a blast equivalent to one megaton of TNT. Shall we begin our bidding at $100 million?"

A person beside us fired their gun into the air signaling that they were taking the bid. This continued until we made a bid of $125 million to keep Savage off our backs.

"What's happening?" I questioned as I realized that no one else was bidding.

"It's what's not happening that is the concern." Stein corrected me.

"Sold!" The announcer yelled.

"Congratulations, Professor." Mick stated sarcastically. "You just bought yourself a nuclear weapon."

"Well, well." Some guy in a gray suit said as he approached us. "We seem to have a new player. But you seem a bit academic. How did you get in here and who are you?"

"As of a few seconds ago, I'm a nuclear power." Stein kept a straight face as he spoke, still playing the role of a leader of a evil organization.

"Yet I don't know you or your organization, and I know everyone."

"Hey," Mick said, pressing his hand to the guy's chest. "Back off."

"Watch your tone."

"Is there some sort of problem here?" Savage asked, getting in Mick's face.

"Yeah, the master race here is starting to bug me."

"We're just gonna get out nuclear warhead and be on our way." Snart defused the situation and pulled Mick back in line.

"Not without paying first." The announcer stated loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Once we've validated that the warhead's operational." I spoke up earning a glance from our group, Savage, and the man in the gray suit. "Personally, I find it highly unlikely that you were able to accumulate enough fissionable material in this era to fashion a workable nuclear devise."

"In this era?" Savage questioned, instantly noting my mistake.

"Figure of speech."

Savage nodded but didn't look convinced. "Change of plans." Savage shouted to the criminals as he made he way back onto the stage. "I'll provide a 25% discount to the organization who brings me the heads of these men."

We all took off in different directions to handle the men who were trying to kill us. Mick and Snart stayed together, Stein went to find Jax, and I went with Sara. She used her bo staff to fight while I used my magic.

As one man got in her blind side and tried to kick her in the face, I caught his foot and threw him against the wall without even touching him. Sara looked from the man to me and gave me a nod of respect, which I returned.

I continued  to find the men as they came at me or as they came at Sara. Some of the men didn't even go by me after they had seen my magic. One man, however, was very brave and came at me instead of Sara. He got me a few good times until I ended up on my back. The man slowly walked over to me and dug his knife into my shoulder. He continued to push it deeper until the handle was the only thing you could see.

The man then pulled it out forcefully and brought it to my throat. He slide it across my neck before my powers kicked in again and he went flying into the roof then back down to the ground. By how hard he hit it, I knew I killed him. Despite the pain in my shoulder and the slight blood trickling down my neck, I was still able to sit up and look at the man's body.

I didn't look away until Sara squatted down next to me and placed a hand on my arm. "Are you okay?" I looked back over to the man only to shake my head 'no' as an answer. Sara nodded in understanding and helped me stand up. "Let's take you to Gideon."

Hey guys thank for reading. I think I'm going to start this thing where I will post a new chapter everyday. Unless I am busy that day, which then I will update twice the next day. Anyways, thanks.

Love ya😘

The White Witch**Rip Hunter (Completed) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz