A Killer, Klepto, and Pyro

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Chapter Song: Disconnect- Clean Bandit
Charlotte's POV

The Waverrider jerked around as we were being fired at. All of us pushed our backs against the seats and strapped in tight.

"We're gonna need to find a safe place to set down, Gideon!" Rip yelled over the loud noise to the A.I.

"I don't believe there are any safe places, Captain."

"Are we over London yet?" Stein questioned.

Rip answered without looking back at him. "What's left of it."

"Why is London shooting at us?" Jax threw his hands in the air as he asked.

"It's Savage's forces that are doing the shooting. Here in 2166, they've subjugated most of the globe."

The Waverrider jerked again with a loud explosion. "Maybe picking to here wasn't the brightest idea." Sara pointed out the obvious.

"Unfortunately," Stein said back. "we no longer have the luxury of blindly searching for Savage throughout history."

"Indeed." Rip agreed. "We have to target Savage at the time and place that we're certain he will be, which is.."

"Right before he wastes your family." Mick finished. I gave him a glare. "What?"

"Captain, I've managed to slip beneath their artillery fire."

"Set us down on the outskirts of the city, Gideon." Rip commanded. "Near the encampment of the remaining resistance forces. We are going to need to proceed swiftly."

We all jumped out of our seats while Stein spoke. "I realize your family is in jeopardy, but perhaps some deliberation..."

"We don't have the time, Martin. According to Gideon, Savage is going to be out in the open tonight, vulnerable. Now, in order to capture him, I require the services of.."

"A killer, klepto, and pyro." Mick finished for him once again.




"Here we stand at the edge of history." Savage said into the microphone. His followers listened intently to his speech. "But as tempting as it might be to celebrate our previous victories, it is only for the next and final battle that you will be remembered."

Sara turned slightly towards Snart during his speech. "There's no way we can grab him here."

"Not with an army standing between us." Snart finished for her.

"Shh," Mick quieted them. "I'm trying to listen to this guy." Rip and I gave Mick a look. "He gives a hell of a speech."

"Onward to victory!" His followers raised a fist in the air as Savage shouted. "Onward to immortality!"

Savage and the other people that were on stage with him followed him off the stage.

"All set on our end." Kendra said into the earpiece. "Jax is in the Jumpship, ready to extract you guys."

"Especially if, and by if I mean when, this thing goes south." Snart said back. The girl wit the blonde hair that was on the stage with Savage walked past us, her eyes meeting Snart's on the way. "Savages lady friend just made us."

"Have faith, Mr. Snart." Rip commanded.

Rip nodded for us to follow the guards behind Savage, which we did.

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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