Round Ups and Reveals

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Chapter Song: More Than You Know- Axwell /\ Ingrosso
Charlotte's POV

"We could've used Sara on this round up." Mick commented.

Hex turned around on his horse to look at him. "Another lady? You crazy?"

"Hey!" I shouted at him.

"Just remember we're here to arrest Stillwater," Ray reminded the group. "no kill him. "

"He always this much of a stick in the mud?" Hex asked Mick and I.

"Yes." We both answered before riding ahead of Hex a little.

The sun had just started rising when we reached the Stillwater camp. We all jumped off our horses and fought the men that started to wake up.

Soon enough, Ray had arrested Jeb and it was time to fall back. Jax and I rode side by side until we felt something wrap around our arms. The lasso tightened around us and we were pulled off our horses.


"Can't you just use your magic to untie us?" Jax questioned me.

"No. If I do and someone catches us, we could ruin the timeline. I can't do it anyways. When I fell off that horse, the air wasn't the only thing that got knocked out of me. I need to time to regain my energy and my magic."

Jax groaned and continued to struggle in the ropes. We both stopped when the tent flap opened and one of the Stillwater Gang member stepped in.

He looked me up and down before grabbing both of our tied wrist. We were pulled onto horses. Jax on his own, me in front of the guy who got us.

We rode into town, me feeling uncomfortable the whole way. The men stopped a few feet away from the center of town. Our team stood on the other side.

Jax and I noticed Rip step up towards the middle of the town, Jeb doing the same thing. Jax and I gave each other a concerned and confused look while Rip and Jeb prepared themselves to grab their guns out of the holsters.

The whole town watched silent, some covering their ears. Jeb grabbed his gun first but Rip shot faster. The camera went off and Jeb fell dead.

The Stillwater Gang cut us free and some of them started riding off. Jax helped me down from the horse so the last member could ride off. He went straight to Stein while I went to Sara.

"Are you two all right?" Stein asked us.

We nodded while Jax spoke, out of breath. "Yeah. Did you just shoot someone for us?"

"Yeah. Your welcome." Rip acted like it was nothing.

Sara walked slightly in front of me. "I don't think we're done here yet."

Four people covered in armor and weapons walked into the town. "They found us."

"The Hunters." I added.

We all brought out our weapons as they got closer.

"Got any energy now?" Jax asked me.

I nodded. "Yep, I think I'm good."

Jax nodded and combined with Stein, turning into Firestorm. Hex looked scared and did the sign of the cross while they flew up into the air.

I took on one of the four people myself. He seemed smaller than the rest but still was a difficult target.

We fought a little. The Hunter clearly winning. I tried to kick him in the side, but he grabbed my leg and flipped me onto my back. I quickly stood up while the Hunter stocked towards me. As his arm touched my hand, he went flying back into a wheelbarrow.

I slowly walked over to it, readying my magic once again. The Hunter wasn't knocked out but it looked as if he had given up. I raised my arm up but the Hunter grabbed it as I brought it back down.

"Wait!" The Hunter's voice was muffled, but I could still tell that it wasn't a man's voice. It was more feminine. "Charlotte wait." I gave the Hunter a confused look and pulled my hand away.

The Hunter reached up and slowly removed the mask that was covering its face.



Wow. I wasn't expecting that and I'm the writer. Well, I guess you'll have to wait and see what happens next. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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