Missing: Jefferson Jackson

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Chapter Song: The One-The Chainsmoakers
Charlotte's POV

Rip, Snart, and I walked into the police Station. I guess they've never seen a woman cop because they kept giving me weird looks. We walked to the small desk in the corner. "We're looking for the Sheriff."

"Well, you found him." The guy answered rip. "Bud Ellison. How can I help you folks?" All three of us raised our badge at the same time. Showing him our fake I.D.s.

"Special Agent Rip Hunter." Rip said in a bad American accent. "These are my partners, Leonard and Thomson." The Sheriff slowly raised his eyebrows at my presence. "We are here to investigate the serial murders which have plagued this sleepy old town of yours."

"Whoa, now slow down there buddy. There ain't no serial killer anywhere. All we got is some unexplained accidents is all."

"How about you hand over those case files so we can decide for ourselves?" Snart interrupted.

"Or we can come back with a court order and a really nasty disposition." I added.

The Sheriff shrugged. "Anything for our friends at the bureau."


"Gideon traced Jax's last biosignature  to this location." Rip explained as we pulled up behind a car. We slowly walked around the car and stopped when we saw a girl with cuts and blood all over her neck. "Well, it seems you have good reason to be concerned for Mr. Jackson's safety."

"Yes." Snart agreed. "Sucks being right all the time."

We careful helped the girl out of the car and into ours as we took her back to the ship and to the Medical Room.

"She has suffered several severe lacerations. I am attempting to cauterize the wound."

"What happened?" Stein asked concerned as he walked into the room and joined us at the girl's side.

"I don't know but I'm guessing Jax and Peggy Sue had a pretty lousy first date." Snart said sarcastically.

"Where is Jefferson?"

"There was no sign of him in the car." I explained to Stein, trying to be careful with my words knowing that I could upset him any minute.

Stein carefully examined the girl's neck. "These wounds don't appear consistent with a knife."

"Correct. I believe these lacerations were made by talons."

"It was Tommy." The girl said to us.

"Tommy Fuller, one of the missing teenagers." Rip explained to us.

"He was like a bird. He was like a bird monster."

"Captain, analysis of Miss Seaver's blood reveals traces of silicate minerals."

"Miss Seaver," Rip spoke gently to the haft awake, haft asleep girl. "Do you recall Tommy coming into contact with a meteor of some kind?"

"The car crash...it was, it was glowing."

"She's talking about an Nth Metal meteorite." Stein pieced together.

Surprising, I understood and pieced together what Stein had said. "Tommy came into contact with the same type of meteorite that Kendra did."

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for the support and for reading. And yeah.

Love ya😘

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