League of Assassins

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Chapter Song: Classic-MKTO
Charlotte's POV

"Gideon, bring up the Shadow Record." Rip commanded Gideon.

"Shadow Record?" Jax questioned Rip.

"The list of every member of the League of Assassins since the invention of writing in 3200 B.C. "

"Fascinating." Stein commented. "Except these sheets of papyrus are entirely blank."

"No, the League uses invisible ink." Rip explained. "I did my graduate thesis at the Academy on their history."

"Sara said that Ra's al Ghul had lived nearly a century before she met him."

"That's to the Lazarus Pit." Ray added to Kendra's sentence. Stein and I both gave him a confused look. "It's basically a life-extending Jacuzzi, located in a place that's the opposite of life-extending."

"You should count yourself lucky, Dr. Palmer." Rip commented as he stared at the computer intently. "Only a handful of outsiders have been inside the League's fortress and lived to tell the tale."

"You were right Captain. There is a mention of a Ta-er al-Sahfer."

"That's Sara's League of Assassin's name. According to the Shadow Record she joined the League of Assassins in 1958. Sara needs our help. By all accounts, Ra's al Ghul is a very controlling, very homicidal fanatic. Gideon, chart a course for Nanda Parbat."


"Perhaps Jefferson and I should.."

"Extricating Sara from the likes of the League requires stealth." Rip interrupted Stein. "So no Firestorm for the two of you." Rip turned to Ray. "And you're out of practice, so no Atom suit unless absolutely necessary." Rip turned to me. "Same with your magic."

"Look out!" Jax whisper shouted as one of the League members jumped down from the cliff. Before he could swing his sword, I punched him as hard as I could in the face, knocking him out and hurting my hand.

I shook my hand out as I turned back to the group. "Thanks." Ray said taking a deep breath.

"Well done, Ms. Thomson." Stein added.

Rip slowly moved closer to the door. "You guard the exit while I find Sara. We will be in and out of here faster than you can say 'Ra's al Ghul."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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