Time Pirates

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Chapter Song: Closer- The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey
Charlotte's POV

As we, Jax, Mick, Rip, and I, made our way down the dark hall we kept our weapons up as well as our guards. We reached the control center only to be grabbed and pushed to the ground by pirates.

Mick was able to grab one of them and began to choke him out when a guy put a gun to his head. "Let the man go."

"Or else what?" Mick pushed. One of the guys holding Jax brought out a knife and held it to his throat.

"Do as the man says." Rip commanded. Mick scoffed and released the guy.

"Who the hell are these guys?" I asked.

"These are time pirates."

The man that held the gun to Mick's head placed it back in his holster. "Captain John Valor."

"Oh. What happened to Captain Baxter?"

"She was on her way back to the Vanishing Point to imprison us when we made our escape." Valor explained, still looking at Mick. "But before we could take control of the Archeron..."

"She destroyed her time drive in accordance with protocol."

"The same protocol that said another Time Master would come to her rescue."

"Do I look like a Time Master to you?" Mick asked.

"You look like the kind of man who'd throw his grandmother out of an airlock."

"Nor am I a Time Master." Rip lied. "So you light as well let us go."

Valor and his other men began to laugh. "Correct me if I'm wrong. You're Rip friggin' Hunter. I thought you'd be taller."

"You never said you were famous." Jax commented to Rip.

"Infamous. There was a time when he had men like me running scared all along the timeline."

"Unless you let us return to our ship," Rip interrupted which only made my curiosity grow. "a man named Vandal Savage will destroy the entire world. Time Master and pirates alike. For once, we're fighting on the same side."

"That little slogan should come with its own shovel. Prepare a boarding party."

"If I were you, I'd reconsider your plan, Mr. Valor. I gave my crew instructions to shoot any boarding vessel, along with the ship launching it."

"With the great Rip Hunter on board? I highly doubt it."

"You don't know my crew. They're iron-willed and battle-hardened. The most formidable warriors to navigate time and space."


The pirates moved all of us from the control room to the cells where the other Captain was. One of the guys threw Rip to the ground while the rest of us were just slightly pushed in.

"Captain Baxter. I'm Rip Hunter. I'm here to rescue you."

"I doubt it. You walked straight into a trap."

"I'll admit that we've encountered some..unforeseen obstacles. But, we're gonna get you out of here in a second. Mr. Jackson, will you please see what you can do about disabling this force field?"

"You don't think I've tried that? But by all means, if you think this kid will have better luck."

"Who you calling kid?" Jax asked hurt.

"I'm sorry. I meant criminal."

"Actually, that's me." Mick corrected her.

"All of you. If we do ever get out of here, the first thing I'll do is take you to the Vanishing Point to await trial before the Time Council. The great Rip Hunter, but look at you now."

"Yes, look at me now. Helping you break out of a pirate's brig aboard your own timeship."

"I don't want help from a man who broke his oath, stole a timeship, and decided to change history for his own selfish reasons. Doesn't make any sense to me."

"No. I don't expect it would."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love ya😘

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