What If?

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(Olivia Holt-now [17 year old]Amelia Jane Thomson)
Charlotte's POV

"I don't understand. How are you here?" I asked, handing Amelia a cup of water. She sat down on my bed while I sat in front of her on a chair.

Amelia took the water but just placed it on her lap so she could talk to me. "The Time Masters saved me from the ESAM so I was never killed. They dropped me off in a small town, told me they would come back for some favors, and left. I started to have a normal life. I went to school, I had a boyfriend, but the day finally came when they came back for me."

"Why did you help them?"

"They told me if I did, they would help me get you back. They told me they would help me control my powers first, then we would go to the ESAM and get you."

I pulled Amelia into a tight hug, gently rubbing her back. I pulled away and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be right back, why don't you get some rest, okay?"

Amelia nodded and lied down on my bed, falling asleep. I left the room quietly and closed the door behind me.

Rip was waiting outside my room for me and stood up from where he was sitting. "Is she all right?"

"She's fine. I think. I don't...I don't know." I sighed and leaned against the wall, putting my head in my hand. "She was gone for so long, I had just gotten over her death, and now..."

Rip took my hands from my face and held them in his own. "She's okay. She's alive now. You should be happy."

"I don't know what to feel. What if this is just a trap? What if she's really not my sister?"

"What if she is your sister? I'll have Gideon run a few tests to see, okay?" I nodded. Rip nodded as well and gently kissed me which I returned.


Rip and the others brought young Sara and young Mick onto the ship to save them from the Pilgrim. Next person to save was me. They didn't know that Amelia was alive which meant that she would be okay.

(Young Charlotte in the chapter Dreams or Nightmares?)

We were able to sneak into the ESAM pretty easily considering we had a time ship. I forced Amelia to stay behind while I went with Rip and Sara to get my younger self.

We went from room to room looking for young me. It felt so weird to be back in this place. All the memories, good and bad.

I stopped by a door when I heard laughing. My laughing. Sara and Rip stopped as well. I slowly opened the door and walked inside, Rip and Sara following closely behind. We stood behind some boxes and pillars and watched young me and young Cole.

"I remember this." I whispered to no one in particular. "I was 16. This was the first time I laughed since Amelia's death." Rip gently grabbed my hand while Sara rubbed my shoulder.

Cole's radio went off just like I expected and he excused himself to go take care of the matter. Young me stayed seated at the table, looking at the chess board in front of me.

I heard the door opened again behind us, but instead of Cole or a doctor it was the Pilgrim. She kicked me back into the boxes before I could even react. I used that as an opportunity to grab my younger self and get her out of the room.

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was really busy. I hope you enjoyed.

Love ya😘

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