Or Lover

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Chapter Song: I Can't Remember to Forget You- Shakira ft. Rihanna
Charlotte's POV

"Not this guy again." Snart complained as Chronos shot at the ship, damaging it.

"Captain, Chronos has breached the starboard hatch."

"How is that possible?" Stein shouted, panicked.

"Clearly received some new toys from his Time Master friend since our last encounter." Rip answered quickly. "Gideon! Deal the bulkheads from here..."

Before Rip could finish, Chronos was on the ship and had his gun pointed at him. Before he could fire a shot, I used my magic to create a shield around Rip. Which saved him from any serious harm but also made him fly back a little due to the shield and the bullet combining.

"Fall back!" Rip commended which we all listened to. "Get to the Jumpship!"

We all ran down the hallway to the Jumpship, Snart talking as we did so. "You sure it was a good idea leaving the Terminator on the bridge?"

"Gideon has lockdown protocols which.."

"Have been overridden, Captain. Chronos is utilizing superior Time Master technology. I cannot countermand his orders."

We all stumbled back as the ship began to take off.

"The ladies will be left in 1958."

"And Ray." I added to Snart's comment.

"Like I said."

Rip ignored our conversation and began running down the hall. "Let's go! We have to stop him!" We all had trouble getting to the control room with the effects of Time Travel taking a toll on us. "Gideon, open the doors on my mark." Rip turned to us. "Get to the Jumpship and escape."

"We are not abandoning you." Stein took the words out of my mouth.

"No, you are obeying a direct order from your captain." Rip looked towards me. "You too."

"What? No way."

"Charlotte." He placed a gentle hand on mine and kissed me. It was short but passionate none the less. "Go."

I hesitated but pulled out of his grip and followed Jax and Stein to the dropship.

"I don't know if the Jumpship will even fly from the Temporal Zone." Jax commented.

We all stopped when we heard shouts and gunfire from the control room. "It doesn't matter." Stein said confidently. "We're not leaving our team."

"What happened to: We could destroy the whole ship?"

"A preferable alternative to losing our friends." Stein looked over to me. "Or lover." I glared at Stein which told him to back off while I punched a laughing Jax in his arm.

Jax and Stein clasped their hands together and formed into Firestorm. We all ran back to the control room only to find it was empty except for a passed out Rip.

I ran to his side while Jax and Stein followed. Jax gentle shook him to wake him up which worked. "Oh god." Rip groaned. "Where's Chronos?"

"He absconded with Mr. Snart on the Jumpship. I'm sorry, Captain."

I gave them a confused look. "Why would Chronos take Snart?"

"Gideon can you track them." Rip asked the A.I.

"We have a more pressing matter."

Rip looked closely at the computer. "Strap yourselves in." Rip went underneath the computer and started pulling wires out.

"What's going on?"

"Chronos has sabotaged the navigation system. Unless we find a way to alter the course, we'll be trapped the Temporal Zone for all time." Rip finished with the wires just as the rest of us took and seat and strapped in.

"What did you do?" Stein asked as we felt the ship move.

"Rebooted Gideon." Rip ran to his chair and strapped hisself in. "Until she's fully operational, we're free-falling through time."

The ship began to fall downward and spin making us grab ahold of the seats tight as we fell down to Earth, to another time that none of us knew.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.

Love ya😘

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