Saving Stein

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Chapter Song: Quit-Arianna Grande ft. Sia, Cashmere Cat
Charlotte's POV

"Labor camp number 54. Formerly known as the Koshmar or 'Nightmare' gulag. Built in the 18th century.."

"Can we skip past the Wikipedia crap and get to the good stuff, like how to break in?" Snart interrupted Gideon telling us the history of the place Stein was being held. Apparently the people there are trying to recreate Firestorm.

Gideon stayed silent as we waited for an answer. "Perhaps you didn't register that as a question, Gideon." I said as I stood next to Sara.

"I understood, but in its 200 years of operation, no one has successfully escaped from.."

"No offense, Gideon," Snart interrupted again, "but I never met a building I couldn't break into."

"Well, I hope you're right." Rip said to Snart as he stood up from his previous position of leaning on the table. "Savage knows that Stein created Firestorm, but if he finds out that he is Firestorm..."

"Always Savage with you, isn't it? My partner's in prison too."

"And Ray."

"Yeah, whatever." Snart waved Sara's comment off. "The point is you didn't lift a finger."

"You know damn well it was never my intention to get them thrown into a gulag, but I had no other option." Rip somewhat shouted. "Besides, I doubt that it's Mr. Rory's first time in prison or second or, I imagine, tenth."

"All right!" I intruded, ending the boys argument. "Arguing is not gonna bring the team back any faster. And Rip's right. Criminals usually do feel more at home in prison, and they know it better than anyone else. So, what if the key to breaking in is asking someone who's been in and out of Soviet prisons their whole life."

"And who might that be?"

"Are you familiar with the Bratva?"

"Ohh," Snart sounded intrigued. "The Russian mob. I'm 1986, the would have ruled the criminal underground inside every prison.


As Rip and Snart went to talk to the man in charge, Sara and I went into the men's locker room. Sara knocked out two people while I knocked out one.

"Don't all volunteer at once." Sara said sarcastically as the other men just stared at us.
Soon more and more came at us until everyone in the room was knocked out or hiding in fear.  

Sara and I reached the room where Rip and Snart were, we knocked on the door catching their attention.

"Charlotte and I just took out six men. You guys couldn't handle one?"

"You two killed my men?" The large man asked with a thick Russian accent.

"There not dead, yet. And neither are you, assuming you help us."

"My organization runs black-market goods into Koshmar."

"Three of our a," Rip paused to wipe the blood from his mouth, "comrades are being held there by Savage."

"Koshmar is not a hotel for petty criminals. If your friends are there, they must be insane, ruthless animals."


"Need help?" I asked Rip who was wiping away the blood on his lip.

"Yes, if you don't mind." Rip handed me the towel and pulled up a seat in front of him. I gently dapped the small cut on his lip causing him to wince.

"Don't be such a baby. It's a small cut, you'll be fine."

"I'm not use to this. The fighting and getting hurt. It's not very pleasant." I laughed at his comment as Rip smiled. I don't know what came over me, but I felt myself lean in and place a chaste kiss on his lips. "I thought you said you couldn't love me?" Rip asked as I pulled away.

"Right, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just.."

Rip cut me off by kissing me. This kiss was a lot more passionate than the one before. Our lips stayed connected as Rip brought me onto his lap. My hands went through his hair as his stayed on my waist, gently rubbing the skin that showed under my shirt.

Hey guys, sorry again for the slow updates. I decided to give you the kiss scene because I felt like I have been very mean to you guys with their relationship. I promise I will update soon.

Love ya😘

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