"It was good.." I answered hesitantly, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Bella, I.." he paused and sighed. "I want you to make good choices.. the right choices."

"I do make good choices." I muttered, wondering where he was going with this.

"Look I'm not stupid, I know you're a teenager and teenagers do stupid things like drugs and-"

"I've never touched a drug in my life." I said proudly, crossing my arms, before my face fell, and I added ; "unless you count my prescriptions and Tylenol. But that's hardly what you're talking about."

"I don't mean I think you're doing drugs, Bella." He sighed, "my point is, teenagers can be reckless when it comes to things like that.. and sex."

I blushed hard, understanding what this was about, and looked down.

"Look, I don't want to know if you have or haven't, what I do want to know, is that you promise you're going to be safe." He pleaded quietly.

"Of course.." I whispered, thinking back to the past few times Edward and I have... we didn't use condoms. But I'm on the pill. That's safe enough, right?

I stood up, gathering up our dishes and making my way over to the sink when my father spoke up again.

"Bella.." he said, trying to sound stern, but his voice faltered.

"I promise, dad." I said, sighing.

"What happened to your foot?" He asked, noticing my odd half walk half limp, and I took a second to thank the high heavens that conversation was over.

"We were playing football and Emmett got a little carried away." I told him as I began filling the sink up to wash the dishes.

"What the hell is wrong with that boy?" He grunted, "size of him... tackling girls. I ought to have a talk with him."

"Don't worry about it, Edward already yelled at him." I chuckled once as I washed the last couple of dishes. "Besides, he was just excited, didn't mean any harm. It's Emmett. He's a teddy bear."

Charlie laughed quietly at the analogy, before he turned his attention back to the newspaper.

I turned away from the sink once I was finished and smirked softly at my dad. He was not good with awkward. That's where I get it from.

I was about to push myself away from the counter to grab my book, when I felt a cramp in my lower stomach and hissed softly through my teeth. My hand flew to that place, and I rubbed it silently.

"You okay?" Charlie asked me, glancing up from his article.

"Yeah," I murmured, the pain gone and a distant memory. I pushed away from the counter. Big mistake. The pain resurfaced and intensified immensely, shooting up my stomach and into my back, causing me to scream as tears filled my eyes.

"Ow! Ow, ow!" I gasped, holding myself as the tears flooded out of my eyes.

"Bella!" Charlie called as my head hit the floor, I clutched my stomach, where the pain was prominent, and I heard Charlie in the background, his knees banging on the floor next to me as he got on the phone, begging for an ambulance to get here fast.

"Edward," was the last thing I managed to gasp before unconsciousness overcame me.


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