Chapter 3: Co-operation

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I suppose some of you have read tomato_shoes' comments about this and that. I hope that, although they were hideously long, I get more comments like that - giving me ideas or ways to improve aspects of my plot.

Well, this chapter is dedicated to said wattpadder, and I hope that you (all) like it.

I didn't really make her think about her suffering all the time, and I hope I haven't made it too unrealistic. This is mostly a tester chapter, to see if you all think I've done her reactions at first realistic.


Chapter 3: Co-operation

“You make me, feel so good, when you smile, when you laugh,” I sang happily as I jumped from tree to tree. “You always know the right words, to make me happy. You always do the right things, to make me fly – in – joy.”

I was wearing a simple dress. It was light pink with a soft yellow belt and a hair band the same colour rested on my head, holding back my fringe from my face. My long black hair was tied up in a long ponytail, and even then it was past my shoulders.

I continued singing and jumping carelessly until I slipped on a branch onto a bush underneath. Instead of shutting up, I laughed and felt the bush under me shake with wolfy laughter.


The scenery twisted and changed into a dark forest. Midnight with black storm clouds muting the stars’ shine. I suddenly felt scared, terrified even, and hopeless. Footsteps thudded from all around me; behind, in front and to my left and right.

I was spinning round and round and round; counter-clockwise, stop, clockwise, stop. I froze when the steps stopped, leaving me to listen to the silence of the pitch black forest. I tried walking, but I tripped over a stray root and fell on the fallen leaves, wet mud and gnarly branches.

I lay there for a short while; until I was lifted up by an unknown someone. Their hands were slimy and dirty, their breaths were quick and shallow. Suddenly, a bright light engulfed us two, and I turned to see the person’s face.

For a split second, I saw a blank face; no eyes, mouth or nose. But, like a television with bad signal, the face scrambled until it turned into Brays’, and then Brendan’s. I opened my mouth to let out a scream...


A loud, continuous scream woke me from my night terror. I only realised it was me after I saw no one nearby, so I turned on my stomach and buried my face in my arms, muffling the screams slightly. But, as much as I tried to shut myself up, I just couldn’t. It was impossible to get their faces out of my head.

Brendon; my brother, my flesh and blood. Why was he so abusive of me, what was wrong with me that made him hate me? He was supposed to beat up those who hurt me or broke my heart, not do it himself hundreds of times worse.

Brays; my mate. Why didn’t he stop Brendon? I’m his mate, we’re destined for each other. We were, at least, until he partially aided Brendon in my incestuous rape. What would everyone else say? He was meant to love me, and I, him. But now, I don’t know.

I don’t know what to feel, or think. On one hand, I’m meant to love him, yet this just fucks it all up.

Instead of dwelling on those confusing and destroying questions, I shook my head, stood up and started walking, neglecting to acknowledge the pain in my heart and the pain in my lower abdomen.


Hours or maybe even a couple of days later, I arrived at a small town. The setting sun illuminated it in such a way, it seemed surreal, like something out of someone’s utopia.

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