chapter forty seven

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Phil shivered as he prepared for the walk home. It was cold nights like these that made him feel the loneliest. Phil had failed to tell Dan on the phone that he wasn't entirely safe, and that he still needed to get himself home. 

Phil zipped up his coat and put his phone in his back pocket. There was a cold chill in the air and as Phil walked through the dark streets lit up only by street lamps, shivers rushed up and down his spine. Phil scanned the street and crossed. Questioning whether to take the long or short route home, Phil poked his head round the corner of the winding alleyways. Hearing a noise behind him, Phil walked briskly through the dingy alleyways. The noise was getting closer and closer. Phil walked faster and faster. He turned a corner and could see the end of the alleyways, but then the noise snapped into his ear and onto his skin, as someone grabbed him by the neck and pinned him up against the wall.

Phil's breathing increased rapidly. 'Who.... w...who... is that?' he stammered. He looked around, but the fading light made everything blend into each other. Scared to move, scared to breathe, he waved his arms around to see if anyone was there. The coast was clear, so he reached into his back pocket and caught hold of his phone. Feeling safe for a few seconds he typed out a text to Dan when something snatched the phone out of his grasp.

'What is that?' Phil raised his voice.

'Shhhhh' a man stepped out from behind him. 'Dan, I lied, I'm not safe. I need you to come and help-' the man read out from Phil's phone. He laughed a slow and painful laugh. 'Trying to get help from your boyfriend were we?'

'No, I was just-'

'Stop. Talking!' the man shouted. Phil shuddered.

'Please.. I need that back, please.. can you-'

'I said. Stop. Talking. Or else, I'll smash the phone, and then you. Okay?'

Phil nodded, scared to do anything else other than agree with him.

'Now, what you got?' the man asked, looking him up and down.

'I don't.. I don't think I... umm... understand..' Phil whispered.

'I said. What you got on you?' the man repeated.

Phil shivered, he didn't understand at all.

'Are you thick or what? Gimme what you got.' Phil stood, frozen to the spot.

'WATCH, MONEY, BELTS. GIVE THEM. NOW' the man shouted.

Phil nodded, instantly fishing notes and spare change out of his pocket, while the man ripped off his belt and tugged at Phil's wrist for his watch.

'Anything else?'

Phil shook his head in fear, unsure of what else to do.

'Don't fucking lie to me!' the man raised his voice, he held Phil's phone up into the air. Phil stood shaking, hoping that this would soon be over. But the man lifted the phone into the air, and smashed the screen against the wall, ripping out the sim card and then snapping it in half.

He paused for a few seconds. A few long, and pain riddled seconds, and then looked Phil up and down. Phil closed his eyes and crossed his fingers behind his back, praying to every single form of supernatural being that may be out there somewhere.

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