chapter thirty four

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(present time)

howell11: okay, i'll do it

anon6768: good boy

howell11: i think i trust you

anon6768: why?

howell11: recently, you've been making a lot of sense to me

anon6768: may i ask what's happened?

howell11: you just make sense okay

anon6768: okay...

howell11: mhm

anon6768: i still can't help but feel like this is kinda out of the blue 

howell11: i've just been thinking way too much 

howell11: and i've decided feelings suck

anon6768: okay then, good luck

The less you care, the happier you will be.

So care no more I will.


Phil turned over in his bed and smiled to himself. Everything was so perfect, he'd never felt so happy, and he'd never seen Dan so happy.  

Phil felt as though nothing could harm him or his friends, he could feel it. The world was too happy for that. Phil thought about Dan, he was so glad that Dan was feeling better. 

I love him so much, so I will do anything for him. Happiness will be our future. 


Dan looked out of his window and started up into the darkness and at the stars. Small beams of light and happiness in amongst the nothingness. It reminded him of Phil. 

Dan always felt so happy and warm when he thought about Phil. But there was something else happening and soon, harm would come, he could feel it. 

I love him so much, so I need to do what I have to do. Sadness will take me to our numb future. 

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