chapter forty three

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Phil stood with his slim, pale arms crossed around his hips. 

'You thought we were something did you Dan?' Phil laughed. 'Yeah well so did I, but I told you the way it was going to be!' 

'I tried, I really did' Dan said. 

'What did you try Dan? '

'I tried, to get help, I went but they....., didn't offer me anything' Dan looked down at the stone floor. 

'Why doesn't that surprise me? I guess that's just your bad karma' 

'No, I tried, that's all you wanted right? You wanted me to try' 

'No Dan. See the thing is, you're a train wreck, and I don't want to be entitled to dealing with that' 

'But train wrecks always make the front pages' 

'Not you Dan, not you' Phil said, backing away. 


Dan kicked and shoved himself free from Jack's tight grasp. Pacing towards Phil and grabbing his arm. 

Phil flicked his arm away from Dan's hand. 'Get off me Dan' 

'But I don't understand' Dan shouted. 

'No, I know you don't. Look this is difficult for everyone Dan but sometimes you have t-' 

'Difficult for everyone?! Like who? Because apparently it's only Dan that takes the beating, but oh now wait ! It's Dan that takes the beating every. Fucking. Time. And you know what's god damn sickening' Dan moved closer to Phil. 'The fact that you told me, at that hospital bed, when you were sat there beside me. You told me that you'd never leave me' 

'Dan, I don't like being mean but I jus-' Phil squeaked.

'You just what Phil? You don't like being mean but you just like picking people up, promising them the world and then dropping them off the edge of a cliff!!' 

'Dan please, let me talk'

'You promised me everything... And I believed you..' Dan whispered.

'Well so did you to me! I'm not the one that went mad! I'm not the one that needs help, I'm not the one that keeps changing his mind!' Phil shouted.

'Oh no yeah because that's me. Here's Dan, taking the fucking beating yet again' 

'It's too complicated to explain' Phil sighed. Suddenly Dan pushed himself into Phil, punching him to the floor. 'Dan! Stop!' Phil shouted. Dan pulled Phil close to his chest. 

'You are nothing to me' Dan whispered. 'You are worthless, I don't need you. You mean nothing' 

Tears streamed down Phil's translucent skin as he nodded in fright. Dan dropped Phil and stood up briskly. He turned back to face Phil, and then walked away shaking his head. 

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