Chapter Six

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460+ VOTES in one day. You guys are amazingggggg! kposey02 asked why I set my goal so low if I knew you guys would vote and comment, well, I honestly didn't know. I can only hope for your guys support ♡

I truly appreciate it, also. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So please continue to vote and comment, I looooooooove reading your comments, love how opinionated people are lol

Let's try for 500+ votes, shall we? ♡

The following morning I woke up before Mason, if I had to guess I would have assumed this was his first hangover. I knew that mom and Daniel was awake, too, hearing the sound of movement from their bedroom and the master bathroom was in use.

I had hoped to give my mom the heads up that Mason was here before she was taken off guard by seeing the little shit here on her own. I had checked my bedroom to see that Mason still seemed completely immobile which for me was a good sign, it was rare that he was actually quiet.

While I waited for my mom, I retreated to the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast in attempt to soften the blow. The only thing that I was any good at making was omlettes which was a win anyway because omlettes are delicious.

"What did you do?" I heard mom ask and when I turned around she was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

I looked at her, offended by her assumptions, "What? I didn't do anything, mom."

"Thomas, you never cook. And when you do it's because you feel like you need to apologize to me for some reason," Mom began to explain as she walked over to the stove where I was cooking, "Those look really good, sweetie."

"Thanks, mom."

"So what's going on, Thomas?" She asked me again, placing her hand on my forearm gently, "You can't keep things from your mom."

I smiled at her, knowing she was right for the most part. The small things I couldn't keep from her, the big things were a completely different story. When I want to I can be just as secretive with her as I am with anyone else but I don't find there's any reason to be with most things.

"Mason is here," I admitted, "We went out last night and he got wasted so I brought him here instead of letting dad see him in that state. You know how dad can be."

"You mean how he's protective over his kids?" She answered me before a surprised expression covered her face, continuing in a sarcastic tone, "How dare he. What kind of parent cares if their underage child is drinking?"

I shook my head and walked away from her, she wasn't taking this seriously. Still, she seen dad as this perfect man. Maybe because she's a parent and in some sense she would act the same way. For me, she would have a right to, but dad didn't.

"And for the record, honey, I don't care that your brother is here... You should bring him by more often," The smile could be heard in her voice and I felt like I was talking to Allison for a moment, partly because the one thing my mom and Allison had in common was that they both wanted Mason and I to 'bond.'

"That's going to be a hard pass," I answered.

"You should," She continued, "He's your younger brother and it's good for you both to have a healthy relationship with each other. You know, your dad and your uncle Will had that issue for a while and they regret the time they wasted bickering for no reason."

"Jesus, mom. Can we not get into this right now?" I sighed heavily.

Just as the room fell silent Mason walked into the kitchen, looking like shit. His hair was a mess and he wore a pair of my pajama pants that I let him use last night. He looked uncomfortable but managed a tired smile.

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