“We’ll have Alta come in to see you now!” Circa said, clapping his hands in delight. “Trust me, you’ll look even better after she’s done with you!”

The three of them exited, and all I hoped was that this Alta wouldn’t put me in some skimpy thing with only shells on my breasts and a flimsy net over the other private parts. Being from District 4, the tributes were usually physically fit, and the stylists before had them dressed in next to nothing. Under Alta’s guidance though, the outfits hadn’t seemed so daring for the past few years. They had actually been very pleasing to look at.

Since our industry was fishing, she would have had a lot to work with. Last year, she had the chariot designed in a way that the two tributes looked like they were standing on a giant clamshell. The chariot was a clamshell beautifully designed of glittering jewels, and the tributes had looked like they were a god and goddess come from the water, what with their bodies adorned with pearls.

What she would be planning to do this year, I was extremely curious to know.

Alta came in, and it was the first time that I found a Capitol citizen beautiful. She kept her skin color, which meant that she hadn’t dyed it a different shade. She was a pale white, but almost milky. Her dark hair was tied up on a bun on top of her head, but her features were so soft that it didn’t make her face look severe.

Her face glowed softly, which was probably the only bits of makeup she had on her face. Her eyes were lined with silver and gold. Her lips were the palest pink. She was wearing an all-white jumpsuit that hugged her every curve perfectly. She looked luxurious certainly, but she looked so classy that I found it refreshing compared to the other gaudy looks that the other Capitol citizens had so far exhibited.

“My name is Alta,” she said in a commanding voice. “I am glad to service you for the duration of your stay.”

She made it sound like I was here because I personally intended to be here. “I’m Serena, but you must already know that.”

She nodded, as she circled me slowly. I was stark naked, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable. There really was no point to it, and besides, back home, most of us walked half-naked all the time when there wasn’t school, it really didn’t matter. Living by the seaside just made it useless to have a lot of layers of clothes on, since we could just dive into the water at any probably time.

“The curling of your hair is beautiful, that’s why I had only asked them to freshen the curls and add a few strings of gold and blue intertwined.” I nodded. I didn’t know what I looked like. There were no mirrors inside, so I would have to trust what she was saying.

“Put on your robe and let’s talk in the sitting room, shall we?” she said kindly, giving a smile and handing the robe.

I followed her out and she was already sitting comfortable on one of the chaise lounges by the window. The city was beautiful, but I couldn’t help but feel resentful for how the districts lived lives where they had to work not only for themselves, but also for the Capitol. The Capitol had everything that they wanted at their whim, while we had to scrape by everyday, earning every meal fairly.

There was a meal set for two next to Alta, who had pressed a few buttons. Without bothering to feel the unjust feelings I had for the Capitol, I ate the food that was laid out. I had to be thankful. The Capitol had a preference for certain districts, and mine was included. My life was relatively easier than the other districts.

“I plan to make you a mermaid, Serena,” Alta said serenely, smiling as she bit a slice of chicken. “My partner stylist, Beagan, and I decided on the mystical wonders of the ocean this year. You will be the beautiful mermaid and young Xavier will be the warrior of the seas, with a trident in hand, with nets of silver draped over the two of you. It will look marvelous.”

After having our meal, I was directed into a separate room for fitting. The outfit was the most breathtaking one I have ever seen. I couldn’t have imagined it on my own. It was a long tight dress, with gossamer fabric for the top half, while the trail of the gown kept going on, with a certain gloss that a marlin would have. I was squeezed into it, as the whole thing was skintight until my knees, where the rest of my supposed tailfin would trail on. The top was long-sleeved, with the flesh colored area until my waist, with embroidered patterns creatively sewn on, to make me appear naked the top half, but strategically placed not to reveal anything.

The waist down, my tail began. It replicated the shimmering quality of fish scales so beautifully. Glittering pieces expensive metals were all over, forming the train. My hair was perfectly styled to make me look like a mermaid. This was probably the vision of one so glamorous, surely.

They started work on my face. They lined my eyes with shimmering colors, and highlighted my cheekbones and forehead to glow. My lips were glossy and shiny, and I looked fresh and clean out of the water.

The 45th Hunger Games: The Tribute of District 4 (Watty Awards 2012 completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat