Chapter 16

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Alta, who was very polite in ignoring the fact that Slate was in my bed early in the morning, awakened me. I gently woke Slate up, who got dressed quickly and headed for the elevators. His own stylist would be wondering where he was.

Before entering the elevators though, he gave me a quick kiss, and told me that he’d see me in a few hours.

Alta handed me a shift to wear, since she didn’t know what I was going to wear in the arena. It was strictly confidential, even for them. We headed up to the roof, where a hovercraft was waiting for us. They installed a tracker on me and I soon found myself with a window view at the hovercraft.

The windows darkened after about an hour though, which meant that we were nearing our destination. Once we got there, the ladders into underground tubes lowered us. I still had no clue what the arena would turn out to be.

The Launch Room had a shower and there was a meal prepared for the two of us. I ate as heartily as I could, because I didn’t know what sustenance was available in the arena. Alta made me take a shower as she received the clothing items provided by the Capitol for the tributes.

The clothes that I had to wear were things that were light. The top was a long-sleeved one, and the bottom was just as skintight. They were the kinds of fabrics that would easily dry, Alta said. The clothes were comfortable enough and I could move in the easily, but then I wouldn’t be ready for a cold climate.

Alta zipped up the shoes that went with it. They were thick-soled, but had the same kind of fabric as the clothes.

Afterwards, she sat me down and fixed my hair. It was going to be the first time when I wouldn’t have it down and in waves, or with streaks of gold and blue intertwined. It wouldn’t matter very much, I guess. At this point, practicality would have been important. Alta pulled my hair up in a tight tail near the top of my head. She couldn’t help herself as she added the curls at the end.

At least I could look decent at the start of the Games.

She was silent for the next few minutes. We both knew that I was heading up into the arena in a few. She slipped the shell bracelet, which was my token, onto my wrist.

“You have been the most beautiful and most talented tribute that I have ever had the honor of styling,” she said, cupping my face with one hand as she smiled at me. “I hope that you found your time with me to be pleasant. I only wanted to show everyone what I saw when I first saw you at the reaping.”

I gave her a hug. “Thank you for everything Alta. No one would have paid as much attention at me if you hadn’t helped me.”

She looked me directly in the eye and said, “Keep fighting inside the arena, my mermaid. You are the unearthly creature that will deceive. I have high hopes for you.”

There was a voice that said that I had to get ready and step on the plate that led up.

“Alta, I’m scared.”

“Don’t be. So many people believe in you. Survive and return home.”

I nodded and gave her one last hug before stepping onto the plate. She watched me somberly as I was taken up.

There was darkness for a few seconds, and then light as we were all taken into the arena for the first time. The light blinded me at first, and I couldn’t see my surroundings.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let the 45th Hunger Games begin!”

The 45th Hunger Games: The Tribute of District 4 (Watty Awards 2012 completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن