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Seth remembered about another planet that had life just like on Earth, so he took the roommates there.
When the shuttle landed, the roommates and Seth came out. The roommates just stared at the strange place. There were tall teleporting towers, immense skyscrapers, and instead of cars, there were UFOs. Mitch noticed a railroad in the sky and a flying electric train passing by.
Suddenly, two short gliding aliens with propellers on their heads showed up. Their skin was white as paper. "Greetings, dear alien guests!" one of them said as the other one teared up. "Hello! I'm Seth, these are my roommates..for a while. Anyway, what is the other one crying about?" Seth answered. "I'm Maurice, this is Chester, he's upset because a few days ago, a woman with extremely long hair came here and is killing our parrots. They're currently endangered, and without them, our planet would be destroyed forever," the first alien declared. "It was her," Chester whispered and showed Seth and the roommates a picture. "Beth?! Why would my wife ever kill birds??"
"How do we know?" Maurice and Chester gasped at the same time. Seth turned to the roommates. "Madelyn, Chuck, Luigi, Frida, Tara, and Mitch! You can go explore the town! If you will need me, say hallelujah loudly and I will appear. I will go with Maurice and Chester and help them. Sounds good?" he told them, and they all replied: "Sounds good!"
The crew went for a walk around the new city. Everything was so different from the cities on Earth. The sky was white. All of the cars were either flying or gliding. Kid aliens used shifting scooters and hoverboards. Flowers and trees were made out of construction paper and they were growing in the sky. "Look, a mall!" Mitch gasped and pointed to a round building. "Ooh! I wanna buy some new clothes!" Madelyn smiled. Frida grabbed Luigi's hand and dragged him to the doors.
The building was 100% made out of glass. Chuck saw a sign that said 'Alien Clothes Shop'. "That's an extraordinary name for a shop..." Luigi whispered, and the next thing he knew, he was dragged into the store.
The store was unlike any store on Earth. There were only shirts, no pants, dresses or shoes. The aliens on this planet were born with shoes. All the shirts were long like dresses, and if they had a picture on them, the character on the picture actually moved. "What kind of clothing is this?" Luigi asked in disgust, showing Chuck a shirt with a jumping and dancing singer that looked like Michael Jackson. "All of this won't fit us," he said and hung back the shirt he was looking at. "Let's go and see if there's like a nail salon here," Madelyn suggested. Tara and Frida cheered, but the men didn't like the idea. "Nail polish is for girls. Bweh, let's go do something for men," Mitch protested and walked away from the ladies.
Sure enough, there was a nail salon. When the ladies sat down to do their manicure, a glass robot did it for them. It was the most relaxing manicure they have ever had. The robot made professional drawings on the thumb. "Look! I got a Michael Jackson painting! And it's moving!!" Madelyn gasped. She has never seen a little drawing move on a nail polish. "Screw Michael Jackson! I've got this dancing diva girl. Look how precious it is!" Tara smiled and stared at the little diva dancing on her thumb. "I got a romantic gif on mine. It's me and Luigi!" Frida snickered and stared at the couple dancing while she played a calm tune in her head from the 1980's. 

At that time, Seth, Maurice, and Chester were taking a walk and discussing things. "Hey! Look over there!" Seth called and pointed to a hotel window. There was Beth, yes, his wife Beth, spying on them. The three aliens glided to the hotel lobby. "Excuse me, in which room has Beth settled in? A really long-haired one," Maurice asked. "Level 64, room 10," the lady behind the desk replied. "Thank you!" all of them said at once and dashed to the elevator. The second they found the room number, they started kicking and pounding on the door. "Honey, let me in! It's me, Seth!" Seth called and pitched the lock with his hand. Maurice, Chester, and Seth went in, but the room was empty. "This woman left," a voice said behind them. "When?" Chester asked. "Yesterday," the strange alien replied.
"This isn't possible," Maurice complained as they exited the hotel.
Meanwhile, the roommates left the glass mall. They headed to a pet shop. Frida suddenly spotted a bird with legs that were nine feet tall. "Wow," Chuck said to himself and walked over to the bird. "How much is this thing? Where's your seller?" he asked and felt its long legs. "Idiot! I'm selling myself!" the bird told him. "Who would sell themselves? Is that even possible?" Mitch asked Madelyn, while the other roommates headed to an immense tank full of water, but without fish. "Where are the fish in this tank?" Tara asked. "They're all gone," explained an alien, who was probably the owner of this tank. "Some woman robbed them all,"
"What's going on here?" Maurice asked, who showed up with Seth and Chester. Seth spotted a sign with a picture of Beth that said: WANTED FOR KILLING PARROTS AND OTHER ANIMALS. "Why is it my wife that's doing this? I have to talk to her! I can't raise eight kids with a criminal!"
The owner of the empty tank reached into his purse and pulled out a clear hat. "Take this. It's a hat that will make you turn invisible," he declared to Seth. "Thanks," the alien answered, unzipped his coat and stuffed it into a pocket. Seth could turn himself invisible WITHOUT the hat, but he had to waste lots of energy to do it. And with the hat, he could become invisible and waste no energy.
"Chester, Maurice, there has to be some mistake here. The roommates and I will figure everything out, and once we do, we will tell you who the actual criminal is," Seth declared to the aliens. Chester smiled as Maurice shook Seth's hand: "Thank you so much, Seth! We can't wait! Give us a call when you find him or her,"
The shuttle was far away from the pet market, so Maurice and Chester offered Seth and the roommates a ride. They took the seven aliens to a large parking lot with round cars without roofs. "What happened to my frickin car??" Maurice complained as Chester pressed a button on his coat. "MEEP! MEEP! MEEP!" something beeped in the distance. "There it is! No need to panic," he told Maurice and both of them raced to the car.
The car was unlike any car on Earth. It traveled by air, and it was extremely spaceful. The maximum capacity for it was 10 people. Seat belts weren't needed. Madelyn took a selfie with the whole apartment and the three aliens and uploaded it on her Twitter. Plus, the car was twenty times faster than a regular car.
Chester drove the roommates and Seth to their shuttle and said goodbye. "We will be waiting!" Maurice called as Seth closed the door.

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