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***WARNING: Mature Content!
If you are under 18, uncomfortable with mature themes, or participating in Ramadan at this time, please do not read pass the bolded section towards the end of this chapter!***

Lucien de Luca

The tension that followed Isaline and her aunt, Queen Aida, into the dining hall was almost enough to physically choke everyone in the room. There was so much anger brewing behind those grey eyes that I felt literal heat waves as she swept the room for an empty seat.

"Thank you for waiting," Queen Aida smiled sheepishly as she settled herself into a seat beside my mother. The only other seat available was right next to her and seeing that, Isaline scowled angrily.

Queen Aida gestured to the seat beside her, "Won't you sit down, dear? I'm sure you're starving by now."

"I'd rather starve," Isaline replied coldly.

"That's not very nice, kitten," Queen Aida chastised. "People went out of their way to cook for you and you won't even eat a piece of bacon? I know how much you love bacon, kitten. It's your favorite."

Isaline stiffened at the nickname as her eyes shimmered and began to lighten up in color. I'd only seen her "condition" once but it was as clear as day that she didn't have complete control of herself when it came to. I also saw that Amina had perked up in her seat across from me as well, her eyes carefully raking over Isaline's rigid frame, and I knew that my worry had not been displaced.

Isaline took a long and deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before she opened them again and regained her composure, "Please have my breakfast brought to my room."

With her parting words, she turned on her heel and stalked out of the room. An awkward fell over us momentarily, most of the guest unsure of how to move forward. My mother—bless her soul—cleared her throat and began to fill her plate with her food, gesturing for the others to join her as well.

"Eat up," she encouraged happily. "It'd be a shame if all this delicious food went to waster, wouldn't it?"

The slate had been erased and all was well again. The table was filled with lively banter and even Queen Aida seemed to be enjoying herself, but I couldn't shake Isaline from my thoughts.

Aside from the first day I'd met her, Isaline had been a ball of warmth. She wasn't always a happy, go-lucky girl, sure, but she'd always been warm. Being around her felt like sitting in front of a crackling fire on a cold winter night or something close to that buzzed and lighthearted feeling you'd get after a day out playing in the sun. She wasn't always happy, but she was warm. She'd always been warm.

"Tell mother I wasn't feeling well," I whispered quietly to Luca. There was no point in trying to lie to him because he and I both knew all too well where I was headed, but Luca didn't push for anything more. He simply sipped at his glass with the ghost of a smirk dancing across his lips, winking slyly at me as I excused myself from the table hastily.

Out in the hall, I raked my head for all the places she could be. She enjoyed relaxing on the front lawn when it was nice out, but it was pouring rain now so I doubted that she'd be outside at a time like this. There was also the gym but the last time I'd caught her there, we'd gotten into a nasty argument so I doubted that she'd be there either.

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