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Isaline Winter

As quick as the situation had aroused, it died down. Everyone in the castle returned to their rooms to catch up on the last couple of hours they had on sleep before the bells rang for breakfast. I couldn't help the breath of relief that escaped me as I stepped back into my room.

I'd never been so careless before. I was always sure to plan everything out before executing any kind of mission to avoid screw-ups and here I was, screwing up. Nothing was completely ruined yet but my mistake had alerted the guards of an unwanted presence. If I wanted to get this job over and done with as quickly as possible, I had to get my head back in the game.

An early morning workout turned out to be the perfect remedy for my situation. I spent at least two to three hours sweating out all of my frustrations and I felt renewed as I made my way back to the room.

"Hey!" an all too familiar voice called. "Hey, Isa! Wait up!"

I wanted to keep walking so badly but my body betrayed me as I halted in my steps and waited for the Lucien to catch up.

"Where'd you come from?" he asked as he fell into step beside me.

"The gym," I replied curtly.

"Oh, I was just there," he said. "I must've missed you."

I gave a closed-mouth smile but didn't respond. The air felt awkward and heavy as we walked down the hall. Every time his arm would brush against mine, I stiffened and scooted over a few steps but it seemed like he didn't get the memo because he kept doing it. As we neared the hall that split the Guest Quarters and the Royal Quarters, I began to pick up the pace when a heavy hand landed on my shoulder. I whirled around and faced him with a raised brow.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Look, about last night. I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine," I interrupted. "It was my mistake."

"No, it was—"

"It's fine," I said. "I have to get—"

"Will you just let me talk?" Lucien snapped suddenly. "I'm trying to apologize, Jesus Christ." 

I held my hands up in surrender, a little shocked at his sudden outburst. "Sorry." 

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," he sighed. "I didn't mean to try and keep you hostage. No, wait, that sounded really weird now that I'm saying it out loud. What I meant to say was that I'm sorry for trying to keep you against your will last night. Wait, that also sounded wrong coming out. I swear I rehearsed this like a million times in my head but—"

"Apology accepted," I interrupted yet again. I didn't mean to cut him off again but dear God, it was hurting me to hear him try and apologize. 

Lucien gave me a long look and I held my hands up in surrender again. "I know, I know, but you were just struggling so badly and I'm in a rush so—" 

"I get it," he said. "At least you got the message." 

He turned towards the Royal quarters and began to walk away. I was tempted to let him go but there was something so utterly pathetic about his posture that I couldn't stop myself from calling after him. 

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