Chapter 6- If I Just Lay Here

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After we finished eating at the diner, we said our goodbyes and I went home.
Aiden is quite the male specimen and I like this whole friendship thing we have going on. Though he always seems to get my tummy in knots.

Right now I'm lying in my bed staring at the ceiling. Mom isn't home yet which is weird but I'll text her soon to make sure she's okay.

As soon as I got home I just stripped of my jeans and top, jumped in bed and immediately thoughts of Aiden filled my mind.

I've only known him for one day but its like he's rented out a space in my mind for himself.

I can't lay here anymore.

I get up and go take a shower. After I'm done, I change into one of my big t-shirts and a cotton shorts.

I grab my phone and me and the girls start texting in our iMessage group. They took my mind of Aiden for a bit and I appreciate it.

Its 6:30pm and I hear mom's car come up the drive way. I already ate so she doesn't have to make dinner and I plan on interrogating her tomorrow on where she's been but for the rest of the night, I plan on getting a little shut eye cause I'm really tired.
I wake up and check my phone. 23:58. I hear my tummy growl and I cringe.

I get off my bed and put on my bunny slippers. I open my door discreetly so I don't wake mom up. I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen. I see some barbi-fried chicken fingers, left over chinese food and ham and pineapple pizza slices in the fridge.

I need to start eating healthy.

I took out the chicken fingers and pizza. I put them in the microwave to heat up and rested my body against the kitchen island with my arms crossed under my breasts.

Looking through the kitchen window, I get lost in thought.

I miss Andy. He was my first. And spending two years of my life with him kinda tricked me into thinking that he would be my last.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget him, but I might as well accept all that has happened and get over him.


I didn't know he was cheating on me until last november. I was so broken and numb.

I was at this party that he told me he wasn't going to and a couple minutes into the party I went to the bathroom upstairs and there he was; Fucking the brains out of Cindy Codwell, the school's whore.

I just stared at the both of them. I didn't even blink.

She was bent over the sink, her skirt pooling at her feet, her face pressed up against the wall. Her moaning was like fingernails scraping across a chalkboard. Andy's pants was pulled all the way down and he had his dick buried so deep inside her he didn't see me standing at the door.

His face was contorted in pleasure. I could tell he was close.

I went in the room beside the bathroom and took up the first thing I saw.

A baseball bat.

I came back and beat the shit out of Andy.

He had a few broken bones and a fractured skull.

And I wasn't gonna leave Cindy. No No.

I broke her right wrist, her nose, her knees and her fingers.

After I was done I drove home and went to bed.

I was exhausted. I was numb. I was broken.

And then I cried.

I cried for my poor heart that wouldn't stop hurting.

I cried for the weakness and vulnerability that I felt.

I cried for Andy. The love of my life.

The beeping of the microwave brought me back to the present.

I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

I took out my food and placed them on the island.

I then took out some pineapples, some pineapple juice and ensured that the front door was locked.

I took up my food, turned off the lights and made my way up the stairs.

When I got to my room I placed my food on the bed and finished watching Thirteen Reasons Why while I ate.

Feeling full I decided to close my eyes for a bit.
Before drifting off to the darkness I saw those two beautiful orbs of ocean water urging me to take a swim.

A/N edited June 29, 2018.


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