It was:

21 0 0

I walk up to the figure
And it was:

It was danny!
He was bleeding!
Scratched up
And he could hardly breath
He slowly gets out: leave
I tell him no
I untie him
Ben grabs him and takes his body to the car
I sit in the back with him and rub his stomach
He was bleeding and he couldn't open his eyes
We weren't driving to the hospital but to my house
I needed to clean him up myself
Before we go tot he hospital we need to see the story
I clean him up
Each time I touched his leg he flinched
it was devastating
He couldn't stand the sting
I made sure Skylar wasn't here
If she was she would try to help but would make things worse
I cleaned his wounds and scratches wrapped him up
I laid in bed with him
Asked him what happened he told me this:

He told my that some gang took him
He was in the place for a while
They would beat him up but he couldn't fight because each day he got weaker
Each day he believed even more that he would one see us
The only thing that gave him courage to come back was that he would come back to this family
I kissed him and didn't stop hugging him
We were laying in bad for about 2 hours

"Riley" he asked as I trace My finger across his abs
"Yes" I said while looking up at him
"Do you still love me?" He asked while rubbing his hand through my hand
"Did you just fuckin ask that?" I said while looking at him like he was stupid
"Of course I do!" I said while feeling his heart start to breath normally again
"That's the only thing that started to make me believe I could get out of that gang" he told me
"I know, and you are never leaving me, I love you danny, and so does this baby and Skylar" I told him
"I know, and I love all 3 of you" he told me while kissing me
"You know what we should do?" Danny said while smirking
"Damn, we have to go get Skylar" I said while checking my text
---skipping car ride---
3-4 hours
--back home--

"Daddy!" Skylar said while hugging danny
"Skylar!" Danny said while picking her up
"Riley" I said while hugging myself
"Mommy" Skylar said while hugging me
"Daddy will u and mommy play barbies with me?" Skylar asked
"Of course, all day long" danny said while not knowing what he was getting himself into
"Ugh" danny said while grabbing his back as he got up
"How about this" I said while about to have another idea
"Why don't you bring your Barbie box to daddy and mommy's bed that way daddy can lay down and play" I said while telling Skylar
"Ok" Skylar said while knowing all she wanted to do was just play with us, so if she gets that she's fine with any situation
---they played for like 2-3 hours---
"Come on their flying back from the beach" Skylar said while making the car fly
"Vrooom" i said while making car noises
Danny did too but from the bed
"Skylar it's 8:30, go brush and change, then come back to do your hair" I told her
"Ok, night mommy and daddy" Skylar said while giving us both a hug
"Ugh" danny said while struggling to get up
"You stay in bed and I'll change you" I said while stopping danny from getting up
"Riley, Riley, I'm ok, look" He said while trying to get up
"No your not, so danny you are gonna sit your ass back down and let me change you, I can't have you hurting right now" I said while sitting him down
"Riley, here if it helps we'll go to the doctor tomorrow?" He said asking me
"I'd really like that, thank you" I said while kissing his 6 pack
"I love you" he said while kissing my forehead
"I do too" I told him

Danny and I just finished tucking Skylar into bed
"Mommy I love you" Skylar said 
"I love you too baby doll" I told her
"Daddy I love you too" Skylar told him
"Me too baby girl" danny said
"Night" she said
"Night" danny and I said
I heard creaking down stairs
I told  danny but I made sure he stayed behind me
I closed the door to Skylar's room and locked it from the outside
But it could only unlock with the key
She must've already been asleep so it didn't matter
Each time I walked closer down stairs I went even slower in each step
Getting closer and closer i went even slower and slower
I help onto Danny's arm because I felt safe and protected around him
"I got you Riley, don't worry" danny said 
"Thank You" I told him
He kissed my forehead and once we got there
The forgive turned and I couldn't believe my eyes!

Hey guys! I'm back
I came out of surgery a day ago. But I'm gonna try to update! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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