What the hell is she doing here?

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Riley was released from the hospital and Skylar was back and behaving better
---we were going out to eat and in a couple days we were going with everyone to a trip---
Danny's POV:
"Riley babe let me get this you've had enough of trouble having your daughter punch you" I said while grabbing her really heavy bag
"What do girl carry rocks into their purses" I said while not believing that women walk around with this on their arms
"Yah; yah, believe it or not but that's not everything I own" Riley said while laughing behind me
"Mommy can I bring my two little legs friends" Skylar sis while holding up two of them
" yah and come on we're leaving" Riley said while taking her with her because she was ready
"Wait my light" Skylar said while running back and turning it off
"Thank you" Rileys said while smiling
"Ok now let's go" Skylar said while taking her bag
----skipping the eating---
Skylar had gone to the bathroom and I kept on looking at the girl behind Riley
"Babe, why do you keep on behind me" Riley said while smacking my hand
"Sorry, it's just she looks familiar" I said while shaking my head and coming back to reality
--she gets up and it's Amy!!--
"Amy?" I say  while looking at her
"Danny?" She says back while looking at me
"It's been so long! How have you been?" I said while getting up and giving her a hug
--risky move danny---
"Amy, omg hi!" Riley said while glaring at me
"Riley hi!" Amy says excited
"How could I forget, Amy, Riley, riley, Amy, Riley and I are dating now and we have a little daughter named Skylar and a baby on the way" I said while hugging Riley
"Well good to see you both and congratulations, you have my number danny text me we should hang out" Amy said while walking away and giving me the call me sign
"Babe, what the hell, no you were in love with her once, not again" Riley said while hitting me
"Riley, come on we can both hang out with her nothing will happen" I said while giving her a re-assuring kiss
"Fine" Riley said while snuggling up next to me like here

Riley was released from the hospital and Skylar was back and behaving better ---we were going out to eat and in a couple days we were going with everyone to a trip---Danny's POV:"Riley babe let me get this you've had enough of trouble having your ...

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Sorry I know their not the best but their the best I could do

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Sorry I know their not the best but their the best I could do

Rileys POV:
"Danny so me a favor and go get Skylar" I said while thinking of the first thing that popped into my head
"Ok, where is she?" Danny asked while looking around
"She's currently with Ben at his house" I said while thinking of a near place but far enough for some time
"Ok, I'll be back in 5 minutes" danny said while getting up

"Ok, see you then" I said while getting up and walking to where the cars were parked
"Amy wait up" I said while going to the parking lot
"What?" Amy said while turning around mad
"Why are you mad?" I said while crossing my arms
"Because your dating danny and he's mine" Amy said while turning around and crossing her arms
"No, he got me pregnant once at 21 and now she got pregnant again at 25, and trust me he loves me" I said while smirking
"Nuh, uh, he only got you pregnant because he felt bad, trust me he doesn't love you that much" Amy said while smirking
"Then why would he do it with me" I said while thinking of a come back
"He did it with me way more times with you, how many times has he done it with you?" Amy said while while counting her fingers
"Around 100 or 200 times" I said while thinking of each moment we've done it together
"Oh, come on, he did it with me 5 times each day, and how long were we together oh about a 6 months so 30x6 is 180 times 5 is 900 times in just 5 months oh whoops sorry 6"Amy said while pointing at the air because she was doing math
"Oh does he have a child with you and is he gonna have another one, I don't think so" I said while feeling shocked
"No, but he loves me more trust me" Amy said while smirking
"No, and listen you will stay away because he's mine and he ain't going to that dinner with you" I said while pointing my finger at her
"He will and trust me, he will love me again" she said while pointing her finger back at me
"No" I said while crossing my arms
---boom she slaps me--
"I'm still on my feet just I feel weak--
"Shit, what did I just do, I slapped a pregnant women I have to go" Amy said while looking around and getting into her car

WARNING SOME BAD THINGS COMINT UP"Ok, see you then" I said while getting up and walking to where the cars were parked"Amy wait up" I said while going to the parking lot "What?" Amy said while turning around mad"Why are you mad?" I said while cross...

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That's her car

Walking back into the restaurant
"She wasn't there" danny said while coming back and looking confused
"Oh right I left her with sam when she went to the bathroom" I said while actually thinking of what I did
"Riley why is your cheek bleeding?" Danny said while tapping on my cheek cause it had blood
"Oh Amy just slapped me no big deal"I said while just pretending it was ok
"No it's not Riley" danny said while getting mad
"You can't do anything she's a girl you can't hit her" I said while grabbing his arm
"Fine, but Riley be careful you're gotten hit too many times" danny said while turning back
"Ok now let's go home Skylar is spending the night at bens he told me to make up for what Emma did" i said while walking out with him like in like
one of the episodes when Ben tried to kick out danny out of his old room, to let Sam sleep there and he tried to move in danny with Riley and it did work but Sam didn't stay with him well she did but then later on she moved out so no point

----more will be uploaded and a really good chapter is coming up---

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