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Hey guys! I loved this episode! It was so heart warming and I love how over protective danny is!
Sorry it took me so long but if you guys read my other updates you would understand why.

Here's what basically happened:

Danny got a new parenting book and it was literally like everything he listened too. Riley was annoyed by it because she couldn't do anything alone. So Ben noticed and he took Riley out for a hike or whatever. Riley said no at first because of work but then Ben cleared everything for her and she went. Danny overheard because they were talking in the hallway and he listened through the door. He basically spied on them. He got poison Ivy. Then Ben and Riley got lost. They started a camp fire and they were only 25 feet away from the actual parking lot. When they were in the camp fire Riley told Ben that she was scared. Not scared because they were lost but about being a mother. She knew danny was gonna be amazing but she was scared of disappointing him. Danny stopped and heard this. Then at the end of the episode he asked Ben if they could burn the book. But Ben threw it over the little terrace or whatever and he said blame it on Tucker. Speaking of Tucker here's what happened with him!

Bonnie and Tucker:
So basically Bonnie was going to go visit Brad at jail. Brad said he was innocent and that Bonnie's boss (forgot his name) was behind everything. Bonnie had k get some proof. They tried at the beginning, with some spy gear of Tucker's, but the spy gear was old so it kept on shocking Bonnie. So then they invited him one night to get proof. So she said that she would end up loving whoever was behind it. And he was so he confessed. Bonnie thought Tucker caught it on camera, but Tucker didn't know how to work it. So let's see what they do now!

Thoughts: I love this episode!! It was so cute! I really think Ben is starting to mature. He really did help Riley and he taught danny something. I loved how caring Danny is. I want a danny in my life!! Ugh!

So guys what was your thought! Please comment below what you thought! 3 comments for another update! Love you!

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