Should we?

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Danny's POV:
---ambulances and people talking and Riley passed out is all that I could hear--people talking---sirens--lights--crying--then Skylar just there laughing and not caring

"Is it possible I could hate my own child at a certain point in life" I thought it myself
"Daddy" Skylar said while looking nervous
"Skylar, I can't talk to you right now" I said while crouching down and forgetting she's my child
"Daddy is mommy gonna be ok?" Skylar said while starting to cry
"I don't know, when there's a baby inside you it can't get hurt" I said while starting to remember why I love her
"I'm sorry" Skylar said while hugging me and crying
"I just don't know if the baby's gonna make it" I said while tearing up a bit
---now when the ambulance start talking to me--
"Sir your wife is gonna go to the hospital we need you and everyone to stay here or you to go on the ambulance only you"the ambulance person said
"I will sir, just one second, Ben can u take Skylar?" I said while putting on my leather jacket
"Sure thing bro, don't worry" Ben said while picking up Skylar
"Thanks, ok let's go" i said while going onto the ambulance
"Sir your wife's baby, made it but she will most likely have problems with the pregnancy" the doctor said while looking at his clip board
"We would like to know what caused her to just faint" the doctor said while clicking his pen
"My daughter punched her"I said while looking down
"Sir where is your daughter and where exactly is she?" The doctor said while turning to the next page
-------------////no address cause I'm not gonna give an actual address
"She's gonna be take away"---is the last words I heard until I started to actually think
"No!,my daughter is just an ordinary daughter and if you touch her you will die" I said while smashing him up into the wall
"Sir, she is gonna be taken away to do medical help, for 2 weeks" the doctor said while staying calm
"Ok, sorry" I said while relaxing
--inside his head--
"Now let's poison her medicine--
For the doctor^^^^

--danny then fainted---

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