What the hell did I do

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Ok I'm sorry for the language but it's a fan-fiction what do you expect?
Without language like that it's too nice and baby daddy has bad words too

Rileys POV:
I went home straight crying because of danny
Where's the best friend I once knew?
Where's the guy that used to care about me?
Where's the dad that I wanted for my kids?
Where's the friend that I could count on?
Where's my boyfriend?
Where's the guy that used to care for all of us?
Where's that guy that I used to know?

That's all that ran through my mind when I was crying home
"Riley wait" I heard the familiar voice of the guy I used to love
"No asswhole leave me alone" I said while giving him the finger
"Riley seriously wait!" He said while gripping my wrist and not letting go
"No let go of me!" I said while trying to leave his grip
"Really? I thought you were stronger than that!" He said while laughing
"You see this isn't the guy I once knew! Where's the guy that cared? Where's the guy that I loved? Where's the guy that I knew would be an amazing father? Where's the guy that loved me? Where's the guy that would be there for his daughters recital!" I said while crying
---his face was like "damn it I fuckin' messed up!"
"Yah it was today!" I said while responding to his response
"Where's the friend I could count on? Where's the guy that used to care for all of us? Where's the boyfriend I wanted? Where's the guy I wanted to marry? Where's the guy I used to know?" I said while just letting the thoughts come out
"I'm still here Riley" he said while lifting my chin up
"No you're not, you go get drunk whenever you feel like it, (I know he does that in baby daddy but like here he goes to random bars and starts fights and doesn't come back until 2 in the morning and his life is there)......,you talk bad about me, you've changed and not a good change" I said while looking up at him
"Riley I'm sorry please forgive me" he said while begging
"No danny, I'm not, pack you stuff, and go stay at one of the guys house" I said while walking away
"Risky why about Skylar?" He said while making me stop

Danny's POV:
POV auto corrected to love
Then Riley auto corrected to love
Like seriously
Believe me or not but it legitimately happened

Danny's POV:
"I don't know, once you prove yourself you can see her again" I said while walking away again
"Fine be like that, let's see what she tells you once she doesn't see me" I said while counting to three
"Danny" she said while turning around
"Yes?" I said while smirking
---book she slaps him
"What the hell?!" I said while rubbing my cheek

Rileys POV:
"That's for hurting me" I said while having a couple more to list
----boom she slaps him
"That's for talking crap about me" I said while having some more to list
--boom she slaps him
"That's for getting me pregnant" I said while having a couple more to list
----boom she slaps him
"That's for being an ass" I said while having a couple more to list
--book she slaps him
"That's for missing Skylars recital" I said while having a couple more to list
--boom she slaps him
"That's for getting drunk over and over again" I said while having a couple more to list
--boom she slaps him
"That's for being a bad father" I said while having nothing more to list

"Riley come on, forgive me" he said while rubbing his cheeks
"No, danny you need to prove yourself" I said while calming down
"Fine Riley, I'll come back tomorrow" danny said while walking off and he was a bit mad

Riley POV:
Knock, knock, knock, at the door
"Ugh" I said while getting up
"Hello?" I said while looking at who was at the door in a sleepy voice
"Hi" the guy said and I knew who it was
"Danny?" I said while looking and hoping it wasn't him but at the same time it was him
"Can I come in?" He said and it was danny
"No" I said while not wanting him to see Skylar
"Mommy who is it?" Skylar said while peeking through the door
"No one honey" I said while trying to block her
"Daddy!" She said while jumping into his arms
"Hi baby!" He said while picking her up
"Come in" she said while leading him in
"Ugh" I said softly
"Daddy, mommy, let's play dollies" she said while handing us dollies
"Sweetie, actually mommy wants to talk to daddy, can you go upstairs?" I said very nicely not wanting her to know anything
"Ok, but later can we play?" Skylar said very sadly
"Sure, maybe just you and me" I said while picking up her dolls and giving them to her
"Why not daddy? Daddy what did you do?" Skylar said while now knowing something was wrong
"Nothing, it's just taxes and what daddy did during taxes" I said while looking at him cause taxes was our key word
"Ok" she said while rubbing up the stairs
"Now danny, I told you not to come back, what you did during taxes and that you did taxes with some other girl is what hurts" I said while using the word taxes because Skylar must've been hearing what we were saying
"Riley I told you I was drunk, it didn't mean anything, taxes with amy was nothing, I only wanted to do taxes with you, Riley come on" he said while saying taxes started to sound weird
(Sorry if the word taxes started to sound weird it's just that you know key word)
"Daddy who's amy?" Skylar said while coming down and now I was worried
"Nothing sweetie, just a friend of daddy's" I said while sending her back upstairs
---ding dong--
-----Skylar opened the door and Riley and Danny didn't know--
"Hello is danny here?" Amy said while trying to peek through the door
"Who are you?" Skylar said in a confused voice
"I'm amy, I'm Danny's friend" Amy said in a happy voice
"You were the one that did taxes with my daddy instead of my mommy" Skylar said in a mad and angry voice
"No sweetie your daddy and I didn't do taxes we instead had s*x" amy said while not reining what was coming out of her mouth
"What is that?" Skylar said all confused
"Well let me come in and I'll explain it to you" amy said while getting Skylar to let her in
"Ok" Skylar said while letting her in
"Thank you" may said while coming in

----when Riley saw Amy---
"What the hell is she doing here?!" I said while marching towards her
"Hi" amy said in a sassy voice
"Who let her in?" I said while looking around
"Me!" Skylar said while raising her hand
"Sweetie please do what I told you to do and go upstairs" I said all frustrated
"Why? And what's s*x?" Skype said while dreading the word for years
"Where did you learn that word from?!" I said while getting angry
"Amy showed it to me, she was gonna explain it  to me" Skylar said while telling the truth
-----ok if you watch one tree hill you know what's gonna happen--
If you don't I seriously recommend it!! Like you need to watch it!
Ok now to explain:
If you watch one tree hill: do you guys remember when nanny deb came into their house and she got into the shower with Nathan (Hayley's husband) and she pulled her hair and kicked her out? Well that's what is about to happen except they won't be in a bathroom. She's about to kick her out like that

If you don't: so basically this girl named Hayley came back from work and Nathan her husband was showering and the nanny (nanny deb) got into the shower with him and Nathan thought it was Hayley because she said she was gonna be home in 5 minutes, Hayley walked in and kicked them both out of her house...basically that's what's gonna happen now

Back to the story:
"You dare to come into my house, after you sleep with my boyfriend, after you were gonna explain something wrong to my daughter? Hey the hell out of my house!" I said while yanking her hair and kicking her out
"But I brought cookies" amy said in like you know like a baby voice
"I don't care, to hell with you" I said while putting my hands up in the air
---then amy left---

"Mommy I'm sorry" Skylar said in a sweet voice
"It's ok, just don't open the door to whoever you want" I said while rubbing my head
"Ok, I'm gonna go upstairs now" Skylar said while running upstairs
"Riley, I didn't invite her" danny said while sounding like he didn't do anything
"I know, just danny please I don't know what to do right now" I said while about to cry
"Riley, I know I'm sorry, I was drunk I was stupid but Riley please" danny said while hugging me
"Danny, I feel like every time you're with me something bad happens I just can't handle all of this right now" I said while leaning my head on his shoulder
"Riley, please, you have to know I'm sorry" I said while begging because I want and need this family
"Danny, please stay with me right now" I said while inviting him to stay
"I will" I said while laying with her

-----hey guys! So I'm still in Mexico!! Whoooo!! I'm updating right now because it's night and it won't go up until the morning but whatever! When you guys see it, it might be mid-day or the morning. I want to thank you all for everything! And comment and vote and tell people about my book!! More readers!! I have a----I'm not gonna tell you it's gonna be a surprise! And read my other book!! Thank you

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