Before i knew it:

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Before I knew it:
Before I knew it I fainted
He hurt me and he baby so bad that before I knew it, it was black
I woke up and I was in a big cage and girls tongs on the cage
"Help me"
"Someone help me!"
I yelled at the top of my lungs
"Someone please!! Help me! Ross where the hell are you?!" I yelled while trying to unlock this stupid cage
"I'm right here beautiful" he so while popping out of no where
" get the hell away from me right now" I said while backing away
"Awww, baby no need to be scared, there's nothing to be afraid of" he said while opening the cage door and coming in
"Get away right now" I said while finally hitting the cage wall
"Stay right there" he said while coming closer u too he was an inch away
"Please Ross I beg of you" I said while crying
---he stuck a needle inside of me and I was crying in pain
"Now I have blood from you, take off your underwear!" He said while smirking and then yelling
---I did as he said----
"Here is Rileys blood and underwear to go on the wall" he said while sticking it next to the other underwear's
"Now behave yourself or else you get slapped with the belt" he did while hitting me with the belt
"Please stop, I'm pregnant" I said while crying
"Fine but only for the baby" he said while he stopped hitting me with the belt
"Now eat your dog food because you're my next dog" Ross said while putting the food on the side
I had to eat something, luckily I had some fruit snack on the side of my shoe
"Ross why are you doing this" I said while telling it
---turns out he could hear me---
"Because I told you, now I have another girl to mess up" he said while speaking it out of the speaker
"I really hope danny and Skylar are ok" i said while whispering it

Danny's POV:
"Skylar, where's mommy?" I said while realizing Riley didn't come home today or last night
"I don't know" she said while not realizing what I realized
"Skylar, here we're gonna go on a road trip" i said while meaning I would leave her with Rileys mom in jersey and go search New York with her first and then go search Jersey alone
"Yay! What about mommy?" She said while questioning where Riley was
"She'll meet us there" I said while finding a quick excuse
"Ok, whatever you say" she said while pulling out a bag that was already packed
"Mommy has this packed in case we ever need to leave quick, she has 6 or 7 in there" she said while going out of her room
"Ok, well does mommy have one for me?" I said while seriously not knowing if she had one already placed for me
"Yah, its downstairs" she said while leading me to the bag
---we root eh bags and got on the road--
"New York, were dreams are made of" is one of the lyrics we sang on the trip
"I did it All---For--Love, Ask me why I did it I said All--For--Love" Is another one lyric I sang
Because it was Skylar favorite song
"Ring around a Rosie____" and some more lyrics is another rhyme/song we sang
"Daddy, I need to go potty" 🚽 is the worst thing I wanted to hear
"Ok, we'll stop at the nearest gas station and then you can use it" is what I said but I was gonna drop her off at Tucker's for a bit while I go look and then come and pick her up
"Ok we're here" and then she ran into Tucker's house and peed
"Yo dude can you watch her for a couple hours please" I said while not wanting to explain the story
"Sure, either way (PLEASE COMMENT A NAME FOR TUCKERS GF!) wanted to have another child over for her sisters daughter to play with" thank god he agreed
"Skylar, daddy has to go" I said while hugging Skylar
"Daddy, when will you be back?" Skylar said while looking sad but happy
"I'll be back in 3-5 hours" i said while knowing it would be longer
"Ok" she said while running off then because she saw Tucker's sister in laws daughter
"Bye" I said while smiling

Time for the search:
But then---

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