Episode 6.3

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What I thought of the episode:

I thought that the episode was pretty good. I'm glad that there was a main focus on danny. I feel like there should be more things on danny and Riley! Like seriously why is always about Ben or something! I love Ben believe me, but i miss danny and Riley. When Ben and Riley were dating they were a big main character. They would be focused on! I want DANNY AND RILEY!

What happened:
Basically danny was gonna go meet his old friend. His old friend was a wrestler. Bonnie basically banged his friend and thought that his friend was gonna fight danny for real to get back at her. He wasn't. He forgot about Bonnie. Then Bonnie got all worried and you know she always gets Tucker involved in everything. They tried to protect danny but then he did the fight. He was supposed to loose but then the wrestler started talking about Danny's mom. He loves her. He then actually started fighting him and won. Ben and Riley were out and Ben got a hooker. Just like how Tucker messed up with the hooker last time so did Ben. He thought she was a hooker and she was but Riley gave him the wrong idea. He then went to the fight and saw there that his hooker was with a boy and then she broke up with him. They both wanted the same thing but Ben started to get ideas. Riley apologized. Also EMMA GOT HER OWN ROOM! DANNYS OLD ROOM!! WHOO HOO!!

I love this show! Just new news!
I might start making these short because on Mondays I have so much damn homework! Ugh!

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