The Way

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Maybe it was the way she walked, hips swaying lightly and the click of her heels seemingly present long after she left. Maybe it was her laugh, a deep throaty sound that seemed to just explode from her mouth; a contagious sound that made you just want to join in with her. Maybe it was the way she hugged him, tight, but not too tight, ruffling his orange hair as she let him go. Maybe it was her eyes; the way they would sparkle when he was around, the way they crinkled when she smiled, how they seemed to let you see her soul. Her soul, the most generous one he had ever encountered. She never cease to amaze him with her never ending kindness and gratitude.

But he knew, he knew, that the main reason he fell for her was because he always felt he could be himself around her. He never had someone who he could pass the guitar around with for hours, someone who would understand when he had to leave the room for a few minutes to go write down a new idea. He could talk to her for hours and still not be tired of hearing her beautiful voice. When he was gone, they would talk and text constantly, although it wasn't the same as when she was next to him. She understood him; she shared his sense of humor and appreciated his strange obsession with cats, although maybe it was because she was almost exactly like him.

One day, he might build up the courage to tell her how he really feels, but for now, he'll express his emotions through the only way he knows how: music.

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