Caring For Him

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    He let me drag him to the small bathroom that was connected to our guest room. In the bathroom, there was a small bath tub with a shower head over top, finished with a toilet and sink. I set him down on the edge of the tub before looking in the cabinet under the sink.

    "What are you doing?" he asked me as I pushed through the different cleaning products under the sink.

    "Looking for some antiseptic wash. Ah ha!" I triumphed as I pulled out the clear bottle.

    "No, why don't you use soap and water or something?" he asked, growing more and more nervous by the second.

    "This will make sure it is extra clean. Why do you look so nervous?" I asked as I tilted my head in confusion.

    "T-that stuff stings...!" he replied as he seemed to bury himself in a loose resemblance of the fetal position. I kneeled in front of him, stroking his hair in an attempt to soothe him,

    "It'll be okay, I promise," I soothed, yet he still stayed down.

    "It hurts so bad if people so much as look at it! I don't want to do anything else to irritate the cuts!" he whined as he hid his face. I sighed.

    "I'll hold your hand," I negotiated. He sighed, looking up at me from under his lashes.

    "It won't sting too bad?" he asked nervously.

    "Just a few pricks here and there, and then you'll be fine, " I smiled.

    "And you'll hold my hand?"

    "For as long as you want," I smiled, reaching down and intertwining or fingers. He smiled brightly.

    "Okay then," he sighed as he took his jacket and shirt off, revealing a toned, tan six pack. There were long, deep red gashes trailing from his chest to his abs, and more on his sides. There were bruises covering his arms and chest, as well as a slightly more noticeable black eye. But even still, I couldn't help myself as I let my eyes wander down to his exposed v-line.

    "Take a picture, sweetheart, it'll last longer," he smirked at me, throwing his clothes into a corner of the room as his ego boosted.

    I blushed bright red and allowed my long, brown hair to fall down to hide my face from him. "Shut up!" I yelled at him.

    "But this is so much fun," he enthused. I rolled my eyes.

    "Just move so I can clean your cuts," I grumbled, unscrewing the cap off of the antiseptic wash.

    He leaned back a bit, allowing his weight to fall onto his arms as I started pouring the wash onto the worst looking cuts, those of which just happened to be on his toned chest. He hissed out in pain, but bit his lip tightly as I reached down and grabbed his hand. I poured more on, watching the cut bubble and fizz as the wash did its job. Unfortunately for Seven, this caused it to sting a lot.

    I did this for every cut along his body. I even turned him around and found four or five more going down his back! I tried asking what they did to make such sharp cuts, but he never answered. I gave up the fifth time I tried asking and just went back to cleaning.

    As for the pain, he dealt with it pretty well. He stayed relatively silent as long as he was holding my hand. The most he ever let out was a few hisses or mewls, of which I always responded with a quick kiss to his knuckles or head. By the end of it, Seven was bright red and mushy.

    Finally, I turned around and looked through the cabinet once more, finding a roll of bandages that had never been used. I quickly went around and bandaged up the cuts and bruises along his arms and legs, and pulling out butterfly tapes for his long, deep cuts. I put them over the worse ones on his chest and back, and finished it off with bandages that completely wrapped around his torso. Soon, I was able to stand back and marvel at my masterpiece.

    "Feel better?" I asked soothingly, rubbing his back as I left a few kisses on his forehead.

    "Yes, very much so," he responded, "But how did you get so good at that?"

    I sighed sadly at his question before quickly pulling him out to the living room. I sat him down on the couch and made sure we both were comfortable. We were going to be there for a while.

    It was time to explain.

I'm finally back! I'm back for the weekend! I'll try to get as many parts up as possible this weekend!!!

Love Without A Price (A 707 Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu