The Mysterious Name

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    As we made the trek back to my house, I attempted to make small talk with the stranger.

    "So, what's your name?" I asked, trying to ignore the butterflies flying around in my stomach.

    "Luciel Choi, but my friends call me 707, or Seven for short," he smiled softly.

    "Why 707?" I asked. It was such an absurd name, even for a nickname.

    "Luciel Choi is my baptismal name, and it sounds pretty weird to my friends. I'm Catholic, you see," he explained, a light blush spreading over his cheeks.

    "Baptismal name? You mean you had a name before then?" I asked. I was Protestant, and nobody was ever worried about teaching me Catholicism.

    "Yes. When you're born, your parents give you a name. You keep that name until you are baptized. After you're baptized, you are given a more holy name. Mine was Luciel. My friends never liked that name for me," he looked down and smiled at the sidewalk while I giggled slightly beside him.

    "What was your original name?" I asked, staring off into the sky in wonder.

    "Ha! Not even my friend's knew. Nobody except my parents and priest know, and I don't intend on letting anyone else find out," he chuckled. I frowned.

    "Why not? Is it that embarrassing?" I asked, smirking playfully as I thought of horrible names and imagining a mini version of him being teased for it.

    "What? No, there is nothing embarrassing about my name. I just don't like it. Plain and simple," he said quickly, trying to dismiss the conversation. But I wouldn't let him.

    "Can I pleeeeaaaaasssseeeee know it? I won't bring it up ever again..." I trailed off, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

    "Nope, not even your puppy dog eyes will work on me. You'll just have to wonder," he smirked triumphantly.

    I groaned playfully. "Now I'm going to be up all night thinking about that!" I whined, leaning all my weight on him.

    He chuckled before pushing me off of him. "Darling, you weigh too much to be leaning on me like that." I let out a fake gasp.

    "Are you calling me fat?!" I yelled in mock horror as I hid my stomach from his view with my arms.

    "How could I ever call such an angel fat?" he asked, peeling one of my arms off of my stomach. He pulled my hand up to his mouth before kissing the knuckles. I blushed bright red, turning my face to the side to hide it from him. He laughed at my reaction.

    "You're so cute when you're embarrassed," he smirked at me.

    "Shut up!" I yelled before grabbing his hand and pulling him up a drive way.

    "What are you doing?" he asked as he scanned his surroundings.

    "This is it," I smirked as I pulled him up to the door.

    "My place."

Another chapter done! I have been moving right along this book over the past couple of days, but seeing as today was my last day of spring break and school is starting up again tomorrow, it will probably be a bit before I can post again. It may be this weekend, it may be before, it may be afterwards, it all just depends on school. So, please please please be patient with me. Feel free to yell at me if I start taking too long, as I enjoy getting the feedback, but just understand why it is taking me so long. I am not ignoring you guys :(

And thank you so much for the views!!! It mean so much to me that you guys are liking this story! Especially since I believe it is going to be a great one!

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