Chapter 5

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As a walked down the stairs, I saw her. Emily was about to leave and my chance was now. She was clearly attracted to me last night. I ran up to her and leaned against the lockers. She turned to me and scowled.

  "What do you want?" She asked in such an annoyed way. I reached for her hand as I grinned hoping she would fall for me, but she didn't. "No!" She stated pulling her hand away tucking it into her back pocket by instinct.

  God dang it!! What will it take to get Emily to be mine?!?! I've loved her since we were 12!! I only dated other girls to maybe get my mind off of her!!

  "Why not baby girl?" I asked trying to forget everything. I stared in her eyes as I heard a low, husky voice behind her.

  "Because. She said no. Now leave her alone." Kolby said coming up to her. Emily turned around to look at him before looking in her mirror to fix herself up. She did it so swiftly, it only made me more attracted to her. In the short time she had done that, Kolby came up to me a scowl on his face. Emily was able to get in between us and shove at Kolby.

  "Too muscular?" He asked a smirk on his face. I groaned in my head. She turned to face me with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Bye Ryan." She said. I stared at her for some time before walking away to leave the building. When I got outside, I slid down a wall and buried my head in my knees.

  "When will she love me? When?!?" I cried. I finally got up to leave when I looked into the glass door to look at Emily one more time. I regret wanting to do that. Kolby had lifted Emily off the floor and was kissing her head to toe. She was loving every second of it and I frowned leaving. His kisses seemed to be so gentle on her skin as she held him tightly as she kissed him back. I hated watching the love of my life kiss another boy, it made me sick. I walked to my car and sat there. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I drove off. Emily, the girl I love, loves another boy.

  When I got home, I went to the kitchen where my mom was with my baby sister, Maria. I went to my mom and kissed her on the cheek. I glanced down at Maria sleeping soundly in her arms and I gently stroked her soft hair. My little sister, Kate, and her twin brother, Luke, came running  in as a Kate was yelling. I bent down and scooped her up.

  "Shhh." I said as I chuckled. She quieted down, realizing Maria was sleeping. "Good. Now, go play in y'alls room, quietly." I said setting her down and ruffling Luke's hair.

  "Ryan said 'y'all"' she exclaimed running out of the kitchen. Since I moved to Pennsylvania from Texas, Kate always liked to point out when my country accent kicked in. I chuckled.

  "How was school?" My mom asked getting up as she rocked Maria. I grinned.

  "Okay." I said shrugging going to the fridge.

  "What happened?" She asked. I sighed. My mom was practically a single mom, even though she was married, my dad was never home and he was abusive when he was. My real dad, and yes, I was the result of a teen pregnancy, was off in Texas still with my step mom and my two step siblings that I've never met, only heard of.

  "Emily." I said plopping down on the counter. My mom put Maria in a rocker and came to me wrapping me in a hug and placing her forehead to mine. "Why doesn't she love me?" I asked. My mom shrugged.

  "Ry. I don't know. Maybe, she's too overwhelmed with this Kolby kid." She said staring me in the eyes. I nodded as I slid off the counter and went to the living room.

  After hours of watching some of my favorite tv shows, Shay texted me. I grinned, remembering how much fun I had with her when we dated. I looked at the text.

Hey!! Em is outside of  loco coco and I'm sure that I saw Kolby there. You should investigate.

  I frowned. I got up and walked out the door. When I broke up with Shay, I told her everything. She completely understood and is now helping me get Emily. I climbed in my car and made a B line to Loco Coco. When I got there, I saw two figures making out in the darkness. I could easily make out that the small slim one was Emily and I knew that the large one was Kolby. I scowled as I saw him back her to a wall. I jumped out of my car and ran to them. I yanked Kolby back, pulling Emily with him. I stomped up to him about to throw a punch when I felt the soft sensation of Emily's lips. I immediately melted to her as I gently bit her bottom lip. She open up and my tongue went right in. Before I knew it, I was cupping my balls with my hands as I watched Emily take Kolby's hand dragging him away. She told him something as he began to run off. I ran with all my might to her, stopping when he faced her again.

  "I love you too Emily Watson." I heard. My heart broke in two as I finished my run to her. I glanced down her slim figure meeting her eyes again. They were glazed over with joy.

  "Did he hurt you?" I questioned, already knowing what she would say.

  "He said he loves me. Kolby Brooks said he loves me!!" I heard. My heart then shattered into a tiny million pieces as I continued to stare.

A.N. Yay!! Ryan's POV!! I really hope y'all liked seeing what Ryan was thinking here. I thought this chapter would be good because we see him sometimes, but not the whole time. Plus there were things like, how did he know to go to Loco Coco? What is his past? How long as he loved Emily? I hope this filled everything in for y'all!!!

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