Day 3

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"Well," Yoongi says from the other side of the door. "This has all gone to shit."

"He has locked himself in his bedroom in real life and in his dream," Hoseok says to himself. "We're all screwed."

"We're only figures of his imagination," Jimin whispers. "Yet he seems to be shutting us out."

"Well done Sherlock." Yoongi growls. "Now what are we going to do?"

I hear a phone ring.

"Hello?" Hoseok answers. "Taehyung? Hm? Oh? Oh! Right away!"

"What is it?" Jimin asks.

"It's Morgan," Hoseok gulps. "Her waters broke."

You Were Never Mine (2nd Sequel to 'You Are Mine')Where stories live. Discover now