Day 5

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I watch him from the back of the room, his rapping has improved. The rest of the room doesn't think so.

"Shut up!" Someone shouts from the crowd whilst Namjoon raps. "My ears are going to bleed!"

After that, beers and burgers are thrown at him, he doesn't seem to care and carries on rapping.

"Boo!" The crowd chants. "Get off the stage!"

Halfway through his rap a man with a microphone gets on the stage.

"I am sorry about him," the man grabs Namjoon by the shoulders and pushes him off stage. "Who wants to be his replacement?"

I follow him through the door and into the dimly lit streets, he doesn't seem to notice that I am following him.

"I know you're following me," Namjoon stops walking and turns around. "Are you going to follow me to the edge of the world?"


"Don't," Namjoon takes me by the shoulders and shakes me. "You're better than this."

"I'm not," I begin to cry. "I failed everyone."

"Not yet," Namjoon smiles gently. "You can change all this, I believe in you."

"You shouldn't," I weep, he brings me into his embrace. "You're smarter than that."

"Oh, Jin." Namjoon chuckles. "Stop crying, nothing has happened yet."

"How do I wake up?" I look up at him. "I need to wake up, don't I?"

"I have no idea," Namjoon shrugs his shoulders. "That's all up to you."

"What if I can't do it?" I hang my head in shame. "I'm scared."

"We're all here for you," Namjoon nods his head. "We can help each other."

You Were Never Mine (2nd Sequel to 'You Are Mine')Where stories live. Discover now