Day 27

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Watching Jimin walk beside Yoongi I feel empty, we all let him down.

"I thought you went home," Hoseok said, shaking Jimin by the shoulders. "You told us you were going home."

"Bangtan is my home," Jimin mumbled, his head hung low. "Was."

"Why didn't you tell us, idiot?" Yoongi shook his head. "We could have helped you."

"I didn't want to disturb any of you," Jimin played with his hands. "You all had a plan for the future and was already chasing your dreams before I could say anything."

It is weird looking at Jimin now, he is muscular but he is too skinny, his eyes wander and never focus and his skin is rough like sandpaper.

"I'm taking you back to mine," Yoongi places a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I have a spare room, and I have plenty of money."

"Thank you," Jimin looks up to Yoongi. "But I don't want to be a burden."

"You could never be a burden to any of us," Hoseok pipes in. "You're our brother."

I miss Jimin's smile.

You Were Never Mine (2nd Sequel to 'You Are Mine')Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt