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Madelyn's apartment had 4 rooms: a living room where the roommates ate (there was a table at one end of the room), watched TV, did their college homework and played video games on the Nintendo Wii. A kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom, which was the second largest room in the flat. The room had bookshelves in the middle to give each gender privacy. There was a side for each gender, and on each side, there was one bunk bed and one air mattress.
Each bed was the only personal space for each person in the whole apartment. Mitch and Madelyn had the top bunks, Frida and Chuck slept on the bottom bunks, Tara and Luigi lived on the air mattresses.
One stunning warm July evening before dinner the men went out for a walk to watch the sunset and get some fresh air. Once the males got to Community High School, they sat down at the back of the school and suddenly noticed something weird in the sky. 
It wasn't an airplane or a UFO. It looked like an egg-shaped helicopter. "What could it be?" Mitch wondered. "I certainly hope it comes down," Chuck responded. 
Luigi didn't say a word. He just stared at the scarce helicopter. Suddenly, he noticed it going down. Chuck's wish came true, it landed right in front of their eyes.
After the helicopter landed, the door opened. A silhouette of something random showed up. It didn't walk, it was gliding right above the ground. The men were in shock.
When the figure came out, the three men just stared and stared at it like idiots. Just, for now, they didn't care about anything but this drifting dude. 
The dude was small. He was wearing a long orange jacket with a zipper on the front, white shoes, and sunglasses. He had longish hair that looked like it was once black, but the black got erased. Suddenly, he floated a little closer. When he halted, the dude took off his sunglasses. Luigi stared at him in horror. The dude's eyes were abnormal. They were triangles
All of a sudden, Luigi lost his mind. He realized that this dude was an alien. The man couldn't assume that he saw something that he always thought didn't exist. His eyes began to water.
"Greetings, Earth people! My name is Seth. I came to this gorgeous planet from a galaxy called Barracuda 300 billion light years away from the Milky Way! I teleported from there to a certain point in Space, and then I came here. What a pleasure to meet you all!" the dude declaimed and waved. Mitch and Chuck waved back. "Hello, Seth! I'm Chuck Skyline! These are my two roommates, Luigi Broadway and Mitchell Hall, but you can call him Mitch," 
All of a sudden, Seth began to shine. "LUIGI!! An Italian! I've ALWAYS wanted to see a real Italian!" he screeched and flew up to Luigi. Seth grabbed onto the man's back and made an immense smile. "Where's your mustache?" mumbled Seth. Luigi wasn't in the mood for jokes. His eyes full of tears looked like they were about to explode. His reaction was different from the one Seth expected. "I'm not Italian!  Get off!" Luigi said very silently. Seth let go of the sorrowful man and looked puzzled. "But...but your name is Italian. How can you not be Italian?"
-"I was just named that! That doesn't mean I'm Italian! I'm Canadian!"
-"Whatever! Anyway, I'm hungry. Do you have a good restaurant where I could eat?"
Mitch thought for a second. Suddenly, Chuck blurted out: "We are all inviting you to come and live with us and our ladies!"
Luigi froze as still as a statue. Yes, he saw an alien for 5 minutes, but imagine living in the same flat with an alien! That would be horrible, and it would make him even more depressed. Please refuse, please say no..., he prayed and squeezed his eyes closed.
But unfortunately for Luigi, Seth made the biggest smile ever. "YES!!!! YES!!!! I'LL LIVE WITH YOU AND THE LADIES!!!! We can spy on the girls and see their booties and take pictures and show them to people!" he screamed and hugged Chuck.  "Let's go home, eat, meet the ladies and watch a movie with pizza and popcorn!" suggested Mitch. Then he, Chuck and Seth did a high five.
On the way home, Seth glided next to Mitch in the front, while Chuck walked slowly by Luigi. "Why in history did you invite that stupid alien to live with us? It'll just make things worse!" groaned Luigi and made an evil face. "Forget it, bum!  You're just feeling sorry for yourself because you never believed in aliens! You're just a useless person and also you're really retarded," smiled Chuck and tried to hurry to the front. Once Chuck's back was turned, Luigi showed him his middle finger and made a 'grrr' sound through his teeth. He wanted to push Chuck down, but his body forced him not to.
While the men were bringing Seth home, Frida was fixing Chinese spaghetti for supper.  Madelyn was reading something for college. Tara was playing with her Barbie Action Figures and Luigi's stuffed Yoshi.
"Salut, ladies!" hollered Mitch as he walked in the door. "We have someone special for you! You're just gonna love him!" 
Frida, Tara, and Madelyn heard the news, dropped everything and ran to see the guest.  When they saw Seth, they were amazed. 
"Aaah! How kawaii!"
"He's so appealing! So lovely! So gorgeous! How cute!"
"Wow! Are you an alien?"
Seth took off his sunglasses and showed the women his eyes. "You have triangular eyes!" they all vocalized at the same time. "I am Seth," he introduced himself.
-"Pleasure! Madelyn Locks!"
-"Frida Larsen!"
-"Tara Holmes!"
Luigi saw how his roommates adored and welcomed Seth. He slipped out of the chaos alien greeting circle and went to the bedroom. He threw himself on the floor and closed his eyes. The man felt lonely and no one cared or understood. "Why is Seth so lucky? When I came to live here after the army, no one welcomed me like that! How am I worse than him?" the man told himself. 
Luigi took out a small needle and began making little cuts on his hand when Tara entered the room. "The hell is wrong with you?" she asked and grabbed the needle from him. "The hell you want from me?!" Luigi yelled back. Tara grabbed his hand and abruptly pulled him up: "Get up, the grub is cooked and ready. Aren't you hungry?!"
Once Luigi got to the table, Seth was sitting in his chair. "Hey! Alien! That's my seat!" he notified. "Don't be so rude, dumbass! He's a guest here!" Tara whispered in a grouchy tone. Luigi looked offended. But no one paid attention. Everyone just pretended that he wasn't there.
When the man tried to sit, Mitch ran up and rammed him away so hard that Luigi bonked his head on the wall. "That's my seat, pal!" Mitch yelled evilly and plopped into the chair. He didn't even bother to say sorry or help him up or even ask him if he was all right. Luigi stood up and walked up to the table for a bowl. "There's an immense bowl of sliced carrots and spaghetti at the kitchen! Scram and do it yourself! You're a big man!" Tara said rudely and shoved Luigi away. She understood that he was about to burst into tears any second.
Luigi filled up a bowl of spaghetti and some leftover buffalo chicken from the previous dinner and went to the bedroom. He climbed up to Madelyn's bed with black bedsheets and a fake velvet blanket with diva silhouettes on it, even though he knew that it's not allowed. Luigi glared at her Disney Princess posters.  "Why does no one pay attention to me?!" he blurted out as tears made rivers on the man's face. He took off his shoes and threw them across the room. And very steadily, he began to munch. After a few bites, he pushed his plate away. Luigi was a skinny man with a terrible appetite. The man hardly ate anything these days, and the maximum he ate in one day was two cups of green tea with honey, and ½  of his meal (sometimes less). He'd microwave some blue cheese in a cup and dip a teaspoon in it, and lick it.
Luigi heard his roommates chatting and laughing with Seth. The man felt like nothing.  Like thin air in space, floating on its way. He thought about moving out, but he had no money for a different apartment. He assumed it was pointless paying a woman who doesn't treat him equal. The man's thoughts that his good times with his family faded away. It seemed like a dream that came and went. His father was shot when Luigi was 6. His mother, brother, and sister were left behind in Detroit with his stepfather. So he just hugged Madelyn's pillow and cried a little longer. He wished that he could disappear.

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