Chapter 16: A New Threat

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The next morning after Yuki and Jess ate he went for the run, after he activated his flames he used his hands to propel him to and from the mountain, it took only twenty minutes to cross thirty miles, Jess was smiling by time he got back, he did the push ups and situps without his flames, they increase his speed and strength making him go far beyond human abilities, after an hour he finished and it was still before nine in the morning, "Well then it seems our sparring yesterday really helped you to use your flames correctly." Jess said happily, Yuki smiled and nodded, "Lets get started then, today i want you to master a new technique that only you can do so think hard on what you want it to be." Jess said as his body began sparking and lightning burnt the ground around him, Yuki's eyes changed again along with the flames bursting out from his hands and the hair just above his forehead, they both launched themselves into the air and began exchanging punches, Yuki was struck by a lightning bolt and smashed into the ground creating a small crater, when Jess shot another two bolts at him it raised dust into the air, Yuki managed to dodge the last two and decided to take advantage of the cover, he bursted himself to a place he figured was behind Jess and placed both of his hands in the direction releasing a stream of flames at him, it singed the side of Jess's shirt and he immediatly directed a barrage of bolts at him, Yuki dodged a few but seven had managed to hit him, he fell to the ground, "Jess use all you have on this last shot... i have an idea!" Yuki yelled to him, "Alright if you say so, just dont die!" Jess yelled sounding a little worried, 'If flames burn... maybe i can change mine to something cold enough to freeze other flames... i need to reverse the effect.' Yuki whispered to himself, suddenly a massive lightning bolt that seemed to cover the sky was coming down to strike him, he bent his knees for the impact and placed his hands up in the direction of it, he touched his pointer fingers and thumbs making a triangle and focused all of his inner flames in the middle of his hands to the triangle, the massive bolt came in fast and struck his hands, but just before they did it seemed as if the sound of the lightning died out and the air was colder, the dust and smoke cleared.. there was a trail in the ground about two feet deep, it dragged on for another seventy feet and at the end of it Yuki was on his knee and his hands held the same position, "Absolute Zero." He said as he fell forward unto his hands and knees, Jess dropped to the ground in shock... some of his lightning bolt was frozen to the ground in crystallized ice, he looked at Yuki astonished "How did you.." he mumbled at him while pointing, "I only managed to get maybe fifteen percent of it so the rest hit." Yuki said as he tried to smile but winced in pain from the attack, "How much of your power did you use to do that?" Jess said as he knelt down in front of him, "Almost all of it..." Yuki said as his breathing slowly went back to normal, Jess nodded, "That makes enough sense, although you wont ne able to use that skill in real combat until you can freeze that whole strike." Jess said with a grin as he patted Yuki's back, 'Im not to sure if ill be able to withstand another attack of that calibur. I know he can do better if he wanted but i cant do it' Yuki thought to himself, he struggled and shook as he brought himself to his feet and had to lean on Jess to stay up, "Id really like you to rest but you need to get stronger and fast." A voice said from in the remaining cloud of dust, Jess and Yuki both turned their attention to the voice, a man stepped out and it was Vice, "I've checked and one of the four squads under Sin is coming for the school, its only seven people but if they choose to attack the school we cant do anything.. It would gove Sin a reason to kill us and not get in trouble." Vice said with a sigh, he was obviously worried for the school and the students there, suddenly Yuki stood straight and walked over to Vice placing his hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry we will stop them from entering the school grounds." He said reassuringly, Vice looked him in the eyes and knew he meant what he had said, "They will arrive within five days so be ready before then, i've already informed the others.. only Ren said it wasnt his problem so i dont know if you can expect his support." Vice said feeling uneasy, Yuki nodded, "He will come, he enjoys fighting strong people so i know he wouldnt miss it." He said honestly, Vice turned and started walking away, "Alright thanks, be back at the school in four days so you have one to rest up and we can plan." Vice said as he waved goodbye and was gone. Jess looked at Yuki, "So... shall we continue?" Jess asked curiously, Yuki nodded and his flames relit, he looked at Jess with his calm and cool orange eyes "Do it again." He said in a calm tone, Jess nodded and prepared to release another massive bolt of lightning.

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