Chapter 8: Finding Teachers

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At the end of the day, the sun was setting and the sky was a bright orange. Everyone had returned back to their teams room except for Yuki and Ren, "Where do you think they are?" Satoru asked to everyone, they all just looked at him and shrugged "No idea.. Should we go look for them later?" Akira asked, "They are fine, they are the two strongest on our team after all right?" Tetsu replied confident in his answer, they all agreed and continued with unwinding from the long day.

Throughout the school clangs could be heard every so often, Ren and Yuki battled through the night and by early sunrise they had gained a small crowd they continued their fight for hours without stopping or seeming to slow down, Ren's side was seeping blood slowly through the bandage and he had new bruises all over, Yuki was badly bruised all over and was bleeding in some areas, Yuki dropped to a knee breathing heavily and Ren fell to ground breathing heavy as well. A few of the spectators gasped at seeing them fall like that, the others just watched in concern and curiosity, Both boys got up after a few minutes and continued fighting both showing no sign of giving up, Yuki hardened his flat hand and sent a barrage of jabs at Ren who blocked most of them causing Yuki's hand to bleed and after so long of smashing against metal his fingers bones began to crack, Ren found three new bruises and kicked Yuki back and in his stumble he turned quickly knowing what his opponent was thinking, he felt a kick hit his stomach hitting him into the air, Yuki took the opportunity to flip in the air and bring his leg down on Ren's shoulder causing him to drop to a knee and roll to the side then spring back at Yuki who was already back on his feet. It was late morning and everyone left to get to their classes, as the top seven they don't need to participate in normal classes such as those, they continued fighting.

Satoru had left the school campus to find a master to teach him better swordsmanship, since he entered town there were many dojo's and he asked all of them but they seemed too commercialized and that wasn't what he wanted to learn, he began looking through back streets and allies and after some time he found a dojo, it had looked abandoned but there was a small light glowing from inside, he knocked and waited, after a few minutes he let himself in but the moment he opened the door a blade was swung at him, he brought his sword up but it was still in the sheathe, the man who had swung at him cut through his entire sword leaving it in two. He jumped back waiting for another attack but the old man who had attacked put his katana away, "What brings you here today young man?" asked the old man, Satoru was confused at his casualness but decided to answer "I am in search of a master to make me stronger, my skill with a sword is nowhere near where it needs to be.. Please teach me!" he pleaded and got down on his knees to beg. "What is your purpose for power boy? Why do you need it so badly." he asked curiously, "As the Sky's Rain i must be strong enough to solve his problems without resorting to killing." he said not sure how else to put it, "I see.. So your Rain hm? Okay i will teach you the Hydra style then." the old man said with a sweet smile. Satoru looked at him with absolute happiness "Thank you!" he yelled.

Tetsu was determined to train himself because the only man to know his fighting style was his master who went missing years ago. He stood alone in a forest in front of a few targets he had set up, he pulled ten knives out and held then gently in his hands, he gazed out ahead of him then closed his eyes imagining the targets, a moment later he did a side flip and threw five of them then cartwheeled bacl and threw the other five, he continued this pattern for near twenty minutes and then he ran for the wires and jumped trying to balance on them as part of his new attack but he tripped and fell into them getting cuts all over, he stood back up and ran at them again and yet again tripping and falling into them, "Damn it... I cant give up." he said as he stood preparing to try again.

Misuto was sitting by the water at the far end of the beach where nobody else normally went, it was quiet with a calm cool breeze. She breathed in and out at a slow constant pace, she seen nothing, thought nothing, heard nothing and felt nothing in this state. She was training her mind because she knew her body was not the type to withstand much physical fighting, mist began appearing slightly above the water in front of her and though it was faint it was there, her heart beat slowed as her focus turned into nothing and her soul was showing faintly.

Hirai was still annoyed that he was defeated so easily, he had no idea what to do to train himself but he knew he wanted to get better so he began doing push ups and sit ups and all of the average workouts he knew, once he was tired he got up and started running, he went all through the city then back to the school, he was out of ideas so he went to Vice to ask for help. Vice heard a knock on his door "who is it?" he called from his desk, "Its Hiraishin." he announced loudly, "Come in already!" Vice yelled, Hirai came in and looked at him "Make me stronger." he said in a serious tone, Vice looked up from his papers "Are you sure you want me as your teacher?" he said in an almost scary tone. "Yes!" Hirai replied, Vice got up and walked over to him "This is going to be interesting." he said while grinning.

Akira had been walking around since sunrise and was getting annoyed, he still hasn't found anyone to teach him but he wasn't even close to giving up. He decided to check out a Boxing Gym and the moment he entered a man was punched out a window, he smiled and ran up to the man who had lamded the punch "Teach me!" he said happily with a big grin on his face, the man was about 6'7 and mid thirties and was obviously powerful, "Teach you what? How to fight?" he said comfused, Akira nodded and the man began to laugh, "Look if you can move me then ill teach you okay?" he said still laughing a bit, Akira accepted the challenge and walked up to him and put both arms around him and pushed as hard as he could, he went to the other side of the room and ran at him and he still wouldnt move, he decided how he would get him to move, he took a step back then sung his arm behind him and by time the man had noticed what he was doing it was to late, his eyes got big and Akira shot his fist with all of the power and momentum and hit the man where no man should ever hit another... The big man dropped and stayed motionless for a matter of four minutes but he got back up, "I am angry at what you did but i will keep my word.. I accept you as my student!" he boomed at Akira, he was happy and smiled very brightly "Lets start now then Master!" He said happily.

Ren and Yuki were both breathing hard, there was blood on the ground and on their clothes and they were both bruised badly, it was dark and the moon was bright, they bith ran at eachother and swung with all of their might yelling with the last of their energy, a very loud clang was heard all through the school.

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