Chapter 7: Senbon's Challenge

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Ren and Yuki were the first to wake up, they didn't say a word to each other as to not wake the others. After some time the sun began to rise above the trees and peaked through their window, Tetsu and Satoru woke only a few minutes apart, Satoru slowly stood up and walked into the kitchen and began making breakfast, it was only a little after six in the morning, Tetsu threw a pillow at Hirai making him jump to his feet looking around "Good morning everyone!" he shouted, waking Misuto and Akira up and also earning a punch in the face from Tetsu "Shut up you brat!" he said annoyed.

"Try to respect others sleep okay Hirai?" Yuki said looking at him with a little smile, Hirai agreed and walked to were Satoru was making breakfast, it was scrambled eggs and diced sausage mixed in with cheese, "That looks so good." Hirai said almost drooling at the smell, Satoru smiled and put a little more seasoning in, "Breakfast is ready." he called out to the others, they all piled to the table and Ren thanked him after taking his plate and sitting down, they all waited for Yuki to sit before they started to eat. They didn't have to put it was out of respect since he is their leader, once they finished they put their bowls into the sink and Hirai was stuck doing morning dishes, "why do i have to?" he whined as he was scrubbing a bowl. "because you were the last one done." Ren said, Hirai stopped questioning because that was the first time Ren had spoken to him.

After Hirai finished dishes they all got their things ready for the day, Ren changed clothes into a similar outfit but his top shirt was also black this time. They all walked out the door together near seven in the morning and they began to walk where they were told the school training field was, the air outside was cool and moist, the grass was covered with dew and the clouds were present above leaving very little sunlight.

Upon arrival to the training grounds they looked around and didn't see anyone, they remained standing for a while until they all decided it would be best to head back, just when they came to that conclusion a voice almost whispered from behind them "We will begin your training now, i apologize for my tardy i woke up a little late." said a short man that looked to be only a child of ten years old at most. "We will be first doing a team exercise, i have gathered information on almost all of you so i will pair you together in a fair way." the boy said softly, "My name is Senbon but you may call me whatever you like." Senbon breathed out, "Now then..Tetsu and Hirai, Yuki and Satoru, Akira and Misuto, and Ren.. these teams may be changed as i do not know what all of you can do yet." Everyone spread out into their teams and most of them knew why Ren was placed alone, "The first match will be Akira and Misuto against Tetsu and Hirai." he announced seemingly pleased with his decision.

They took their sides and waited for Senbon to have them begin, he waited a moment to find a nice dry spot to sit and once he found it he called out for them to start. Immediately Akira charged for Tetsu unknowing of his specialty, Tetsu pulled out ten wires with little metal balls attached to the ends of them and threw them at Akira, he punched them away and didn't realize all of them attached to his right fist, as he got closer Akira threw a punch at Tetsu but he wasn't quick enough, Tetsu had already moved his arm to the side pulling Akira's fist to the side, the white haired boy quickly kneed Akira in the stomach when he was confused about what happened to his punch. Hirai was going after Misuto and once he was within her twenty foot range she imagined the dirt in front of her turning into a giant snake, only Hirai could see it since nobody else was close enough to. He was in a panic and tried running back but the illusion wrapped itself around him and pulled tight taking the air out of him, he fell to the ground breathing heavily and she stopped, everyone watching was confused as to what just happened but they all knew Hirai was done. Tetsu was sidetracked watching what just happened when Akira yelled "Opening!" and hit Tetsu directly in the forehead shaking his brain, he fell to the ground on his back and was stumbling to get back up when Senbon called the match, Misuto and Akira had won.

"Yuki and Satoru against Ren, please take your sides." Senbon said after the others cleared out of the area, once they took their sides he grinned "Begin." he said almost excited to see this match, Ren disregarded the fact that he was still injured and began walking towards them, Satoru carried a wooden sword and Yuki just stood there. Satoru ran at Ren and swung the wooden blade, it seemingly was blocked by nothing and Ren didn't stop walking forward, he swung again at him this time in a flurry of attacks and still he couldn't see what was hitting the blows away, he swung one last time and focused hard at the end of the wooden sword he seen a very faint blur and noticed Ren was moving so fast he could barely see, he knew he was outclassed at that moment but didn't back down, he swung as fast as he could and at that point he wasn't really aiming, Ren struck him in the chest four times it felt like and he wasn't ready for it, he fell to his side and hit the ground.

Yuki watched intently as Ren neared him, once they were six feet apart Yuki slid beside him blocking the tonfa with his forearm, it would leave a bruise but it didn't matter right now. He flattened his hand and hardened it and shot it at Ren's ribs, it was blocked and his fingers went numb, he jumped back and looked Ren in the eyes, Yuki's normally soft blue eyes seemed focused and ready, he jumped at his opponent once more and this time slid attempting to knock Ren's feet out from under him, he managed to kick him but it didn't seem to have much effect. he used one arm to cart-wheel to the side and evade the incoming attacks from Ren, they were about to continue when Senbon stopped them, "I'll call this a draw for now, Yuki you can't feel your fingers or forearm anymore correct? and Ren i'm sure you've noticed your side, its bleeding." both of the boys watched him for a moment as if thinking on if they should stop or not, a moment later they agreed and went to sit with the others. 

Senbon looked at all of them and decided "Ren and Yuki are about equal in terms of close combat, Tetsu is good at all distances, Hiraishin is horrible at everything, Misuto is wonderful at controlling peoples minds with illusions with her willpower, Satoru is decent at close combat, and Akira has great defense and can hold his own." everyone smiled except for Hirai he was displeased but was determined to become stronger, "But! you all lack mental power and need to work on physical skill. Once you can complete both then come back to me at this time any day and i will teach you things you thought impossible." Senbon said with a grin then walked away.

Everyone was looking at each other not knowing where to start, Ren and Yuki stood up and decided they should train together, Ren only wanted to fight him again but they both knew it would be for training. Everyone else got up and they all spoke for a while unsure of how they should train, they would all need teachers and they knew that,  so they each went their separate ways to find someone to help them sharpen their skills. As for Yuki and Ren, they took their sides and the moment everyone was gone they began their training. "Are you sure you should let them learn on their own Senbon?" asked Todo, "Yes i am sure.. this group is special and i know i can't teach them all what they need to learn, just watch old friend." he said smiling, Todo sighed "I suppose i'll leave them to you then." he said as he stood up, he picked up the Cain that leaned on the tree beside him and walked back to the school. Senbon watched as the clouds passed by in the sky, "Lets see if they make it to that point." he said to himself.

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