Chapter 3: Explaining each Role

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"For each club there will end up being only one person to graduate as you could probably tell once half of the students already got cut from that specific program, As for the meaning and reason behind each group, each one will be based off of a specific type of weather such as the following: Rain, Cloud, Mist, Storm, Lightning, Sun, and for the last one it leads all of the elements, this last role will be of the sky. The six that the sky lead are that said persons 'Guardians' aka people who help their team in their own way, each element and the boss will be explained now."

"Firstly Sky, as the leader this person influences all of the guardians and accepts all of them, the reasoning for Sky being the leader is all of the others branch off from sky in one way or another."

"Secondly Storm, They are the heart of every attack, the powerful storm that never rests. Their role in the team is to cause massive destruction in a timely manner."

"Third Rain, They create a Blessed shower that settles conflict and washes all arguments or problems away, their role in the group is to make peace when possible but if needed to make their opponent give up without having to kill them, may also be seen as the diplomatic member of the team."

"Fourth Sun, To destroy any misfortune that may fall upon the team with their own body, they show hope in the battle when all seems lost and normally rely on physical strength for their main source of power, they are the teams brightness when their is only dark."

"Fifth Cloud, They are the aloof drifting cloud that protects the team from an independent standpoint, nothing can suppress them as they follow only their own rules, they join in when they know the others are in dire need of help, and when they come they are not an opponent you would want to anger."

"Sixth Lightning, To draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the team, this person serves a more protective role but can be fierce as well."

"Seventh Mist, To create something from nothing and nothing from something, confusing the enemy and deceit them, truly one of the teams smartest members."

"Now then since all of this is rapped up and you should understand each role and what they are meant for, i cannot tell any more secrets for now. Try to find out who is who by their personalities... Enjoy!" ~Mysterious Man

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