GaLe and Rowen

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(Levy's POV)

I walked in the library searching for Dragon Mating Season book I was reading the other day. I didn't think it would be safe with Gajeel always around me.

If I remember correctly it had a light brown leather cover with a small red ribbon hanging from it.

Found it!

Crap it's too high up for to reach!

And there's no step-stool. Perfect.

Maybe if I jump for it.

"Eh" I jumped. I missed.

"Eh!" I jumped again. I missed.

Before I could try again Gajeel put his hand on my shoulder and said. "What are you doing?"

I blushed and looked down. "I was trying to reach for a book"

He nodded and asked. "Which one?"

I pointed to it. "The one with the light brown leather cover with a small red ribbon"

He nodded and grabbed the book. "Mating Season?"

I grabbed the book from him and put it in my shoulder bag. "Thanks Gajeel"

Is he blushing?!" No problem Shrimp"

We walked out the library side by side because Gajeel wouldn't leave me alone......-__- It's not that I don't like this side of Gajeel it's just not like him. Maybe this book will tell me why Gajeel is acting this way.

"Levy!" Jet and Droy yelled as they ran over to me. But before they could hug me Gajeel pulled me to him growled at them and yelled. "Back off! She's mine!" I blushed.

She's mine? What does he mean by she's mine?

Mira was jumping up and down screaming about Gale being canon and GaLe babies.

I have a bed feeling about Dragon Mating Season.

(Romeo's POV)

"Romeo-kun!!" Wendy yelled as she hugged me.

I blushed. "Hey Wendy!"

Wendy's been more cheery than usual these past few days. Not that I'm not complaining though.

"Come back here, child!" Carla yelled.

Wendy pouted. "But I want to be with Romeo-kun!"

I blushed more. "I.... Um... Uh...".

Carla shook her head. "Wendy, this is not how a proper lady acts around a boy"

Wendy whispered. "Romeo-kun, let's go to the park"

I nodded my head and grabbed her hand as we ran to the park. Carla was behind us yelling out our names. Eventually we lost her and went to the park.

"So Wendy, why did you want to go to the park?" I asked.

She blushed and looked away. "No reason".

Did she blush?!

A swing set?!

I grabbed Wendy's hand. "Let's go play on the swings!"

She nodded her head. "Yay!"

A few hours later Wendy and I layed on the grass. Watching the clouds. I looked over to Wendy. She's​ beautiful.

"Romeo?" She asked.

I smiled. "Yes?"

She looked shy. "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded my head. "Anything!"

"W-will........ Will you be my mate?"

"Of course!" I pulled her into a hug.

And she kissed me.

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